new FRAG Rack :)


Well I ordered an Eshopps frag rack...YAYYY....I actually ordered corner and one straight one BOTH CLEAR.....the corner one got cancelled cause they were out of them...I got my straight one today IT'S BLACK.....Oh well still looks okay.....It will look sooooooo much better when I get the other MP40
here it is with my 2 frags is an elkhorn monti, and the other is an orange digitata



We just got these last week. And same thing, straight one said it was clear and when we opened the package it was black.
My LFS has tons of corners, want me to mail you one?
They work great! I'm so thankful that the magnets are strong enough since my glass is thick.
One little side note about these frag racks: ORA plugs don't fit in them :-(


I have some of those white type...about 4...and it came with 2 free clear ones.....WHOOPIE...I was also worried about the magnets.....they seem to be ok....don't think i would want to put anything heavy on it though
I'll tell you what....if I ever get more frags, and need more room, I will definitely let you know about the corner offer coulda sent it to me


Yeah, hubby mutilated the straight rack so it could hold our ORA frags that I just bought him for his birthday. Three pieces were ORA SPS and they're too heave for the regular magnets, so he took our giant mag float and is using that to hold up the rack since it's heavy. The two sides of the mag float are both on the outside of the glass and it seems to be working.


You know how some plugs come with the little hole in the middle.....well I had a few w/o the hole...ALL I DID was comment....NOW EVERYTHING has a hole in it....LOL....gotta love that drill