New Frags and Other Pics


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Originally posted by ReefNut
Very nice Graham! It's Friday, we might as well open up a case;)

I'm still fighting the hangover from my Wednesday twelve pack, although later on I may open up a six pack of nature photography :)


Active Member

Originally posted by Steven the Fish
My brissle worms only hang out in my live rock.

They are mostly nocturnal I think. The pic above is of the fuge... No night time so they hang out all of the time.


Active Member
Well I don't turn the lights off in the fuge. It helps to prevent the macro algae from going sexual.


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I forgot the miracle shroom :cool: . This rock was where my other shrooms were before they died due to me being stupid and not acclimating the MH slow enough. Anyway, this little guy started growing after the other shrooms died.


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I'm not sure. I think they clam they grow all their corals under VHOs... In the acclimation procedures they emphasized acclimating them to intense lighting slowly.
I honestly thought they would be good quality corals and I hate to criticize them to much incase this is a fluke accident. I just don't know. I will still give an update on Monday on how its all handled.

nm reef

Active Member
Just looked in on this thread for the first time...great camera work!!! Some very nice bug picks for sure!!
Looks like a good selection of frags ...they were a B'day present right.
I also thought they looked like "garf" plugs....I've never done business with the folks there myself. But I have heard mixed reviews about them and their products. Hopefully you'll have some of this shipment make it. Looks to be in pretty bad shape...but in time who knows.
I'd also like to know how the folks at garf handle your e-mail is below. Contact me there its probably not a good idea to discuss garf and their business here....folks are watchin and listenin' ya know....;)


Active Member
I agree, that's why I didn't want to name them. I'll let you know what happens.
The selection was ok... a lot of green
1- Hairy Green Acro
1- Yellow Porites
1- Purple Top Acro
1- Cats Paw
1- Red Flower
1- Green Eyed Cup Coral
1- Green Cap Monti
2- Buttercup Acro
1- Neon Green Arco
1- Brown Birds Nets
1- Green Porites
1- Green Acro
The Red Flower (not sure what it is yet) is awesome. I sure hope it makes it. This isn't a good pic but this will be a pretty coral.


Active Member
reef nut, the red flower looks like a type of encrustign montipora.....hey btw, where are you at in Wyoming? and do you ever come down to CO at all? Those acro plugs look very similar to some that a store sells down in denver....but anywho.....just thought id ask!
good luck


Active Member
oh and btw reef nut, those featherduster lookin things are actualyl hydroids.....a polyp life stage of a type of very careful with them...they reproduce like crazy and have a nasty sting to them.....definately dont place any corals around them at all!
good luck


I just set up my 29g tonight, already i am seeing some cool things. I only have 7 bs of live rock now, but i am going to go back and boost my stock uop to 20lbs. I have already seen a featherduster, some red tube coral (i am sure it has a name lol) and some green and some red sponges. Of course they are all very small, but it is so interesting. Cant wait to see what tomorrow brings! If anyone has any full tank photeos they would like to share please do!!! I want to set up a natural setting and wat it to be very colorful.. Any suggestions are VERY welcome!!! Thanks in advance!!!


Active Member
Hydroids... I have those little things everywhere. You are revering to the pic of what I call "little feather dusters" right? If so they are all over in my tank, not as bad as that rock but still quite a few.
No I don't go to Denver, it's a pretty good drive from here.