New friend/foe on a new Kenya


Pretty sure this is a baddie as it was attached to my Kenya who did not seem happy and has damage to it but I don't want to off anybody before giving them a fair trial. What is it and did it do any permanent damage? Excuse my blend he didnt want to miss a photo op apparently


bang guy

If that Nudibranch was attached to your Kenya then there's little doubt that it was feeding off of it.


That was my thought. I hate to off it because it is kinda neat looking but I don't want my coral devoured either. Would it eat green star polyps? I've got plenty of extra on that I wouldn't mind starting a new micro aquarium if the nudi branch would eat on that

bang guy

In general Nudibranch do not have a varied diet. If the one you have eats Kenya Coral it's highly likely that it will only eat Kenya Coral. They are normally very specialized.
Have you considered a small side tank for just the Nudibranch? Kenya Coral are very hardy and grow rapidly so you may be able to sustain a few of these Nudibranch. I would not connect the tanks though as some Nudibranch reproduce rapidly.
I would definitely take it out of your main display tank.


Yea they are sitting on my table for the time being. I thought about a side tank but I just bought a brand new biocube so the funds for another tank is tied up already. I've got a ton of tanks I could use but none would have a light other than just a regular fluorescent bulb and that wouldn't sustain the Kenya would it?