New Frogs


They are all in temp containers right now. I got 29 of the first frog and 4 of the last picture.
I have many tank set up a few 10's, 7 fifteens, a 20 High,a 35 gal hex, a 40 breeder, a 55, and a 75 gal vert. Oh and about 12 temp containers set up at the moment.
I probably have close to 10 grand wrapped up in the whole room and the frogs.


What kind are they? Those frogs are way cool!
But do I even want to know what the brown and tan slimy looking stuff is? At first I thought it was food of some sort, but the more I look at it, it appears to be vegetation of some kind. Also curious if they're poisonous?


They are poison dart frogs.
The first 3 pics are Dendrobates Tinctorius "patricia" morph
The last pic is Dendrobates Tinctorius "alanis" morph
They are not toxic due to the being CB and not wild caught.
The slimey looking stuff on the bottom is Spaghnum moss that is kept wet to keep up the humidity for them while they hang out in their temp containers.


Those are the coolest things ever! The closest I get to this is when I find a toad on my end table that my son brought in from outside!


Active Member
OK those are just freaking COOL!!!! So do you have other frogs? If so I know I for one would like to see pictures of them.
CB = Captive Bred.


Active Member
So, are they genetically modified so that they do not produce poison or are their poison glands removed? How does them being captive bred make them not poisonous?


In the wild they eat certain bugs that help them produce the toxins.
In Captivity they do not eat that kind of a variety so they have no poisons.
Wild caught frogs even lose it over a period of time from not eating what they would in the wild


Active Member
I am Fascinated!!! So many questions, I hope you don't mind if I ask them.
How many do you have
How long do they live
What do you feed them
do you have to keep them separate
do you have a display tank like a terarrium
where do you get them from
do you breed them
about how much does each one cost
Imagine there are question marks after all of the above. Do you have any full tank pictures?
BTW that one with the fuzzy lines in the second picture is really cool. The next one is all blue (cool again) are the first ones you showed a morph of the blue one and a different one, or do they naturally have blue legs?


Ok questions. Let's see
I have about 100 right now including froglets
With the right care they can live 15-20 years.
My eat mainly Fruit Flies springtails and some of the larger ones eat pinheads
Yes all morphs are seperate.
Yes I have two racks set up with tank and a few larger tanks
I have got them from Texas, NY, California, WV, PA a little of every where
Yes I do breed them
The ones I have range in price from $30-$65 some other that I do not have can run you up to $1000 a frog.
I will work on full tank shot for you.

This gives you a general idea of the rack set up but please excuse the mess. I was in the middle of feeding /rearranging
The all blue ones are called azureus. The ones with Blue legs and yellow/black are their body are called Tinctorius "patricia" Two completely seperate frogs. One thing you will not find in this hobby is people mixing frog and creating hybrid morphs. It is very frowned upon.
Ok I think I got all the questions answered. I could talk about frogs all day so ask away if you got any more.


Thanks for taking the time to awnser peoples questions, its really interesting. I was wondering how does one go about cleaning the tank, what maitanence do you do to clean the tank, and where did you learn to take care of them, what books did you read?


There is no cleaning of the tank. I seeded all my tanks with springtails and I add springtails often. Springtails are a little white bug that kind of act like the clean up crew for Viv's. They eat fallen leaves and rotting plants in the tank. The frog waste is used by the plants as a fertilizer.
I have had tanks set up for over 3 years that I have never had to clean other than wiping off the glass on the inside ( wet paper towel only) and trimming of the plants
There is an awesome site that I learned alot of what I know from. But i dont know if I am allowed to post it.
If I was not allowed please delete it mods.
I am still learning stuff every day and finally starting to get into more of the thumbnails and some of the touchier frogs.