new fuzzy dwarf!!!


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
you can put dwarfs in reef tanks. also can they be kept with cleaner shrimp
No, the fuzzer will enjoy his very expensive lunch.


Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
as for what he is eating, the lfs already had him eating frozen krill. i made him show me before i bought him though.
Your lion is beautifull!! It is awsome that you had the lfs feed him in front of you! It is the prfect way to know how the fish you are buying responds to food and how well they are already eating. That is a sweet looking lion. Be ready with a back up plan. They don't eat so readily forever.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
hahahahahahhhaaahaha well put
Sorry Grub, I didn't mean to sound so cynical. No offense.


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
stop i thought it was funny, no pun tackin. actually didnt think negative about it until your response.
Ok then I take it back


New Member
my drawf has not bothered my cleaner shrimp and they have lived together for 6 months. I think it depends on their size. my cleaner is as big as my drawf.


Active Member
thanks guys.
i have a CBS in there with him but he hasnt shown any intrest as of yet. but that may just be because the CBS is as big as he is. whenever the lion gets near the CBS he flares out his claws as far as they will go and charges the loin. i wonder if this will lead to a problem in the future. however the lion backs off and swims the other direction.


Active Member
In my experience Fuzzy's don't go after anything that was in the tank before them. There's always an exception and never a guarantee on that though. I had one in a 75 with a tiny Yellow Clown Goby and Neon Goby, and it never paid any attention to them.