New Goby actin' foolish....

jonny bolt

ok, so my Orange Spotted Goby disappeared into thin air about a week ago. Vanished without a trace. I was pissed, cuz he was the first fish in my tank. Plus he was nice, didnt sift the hell out of the sand, rarely sifted at all actually, and never bugged any tanks mates.
So last week I was at the LFS and saw one of those yellow head gobies, and this other goby they told me was a "Decorative Goby". Now I recognized the "decorative" one because my friend has had one for almost a year and is a decent fish, and is pretty much full grown. I wanted to get another goby to hang on the bottom even though I hated having to replace Nailey Nudd the Orange Spotted Goby. I decided to go with the "Decorative" Goby over the yellow headed one cuz it seemed like it didnt make such a dust cloud of the tank. The yellowhead was much cooler looking, but I have a sand bed and the LFS had substrate that was much bigger than mine and it was still causing a cloud. So I picked up this "Decorative" Goby, which looks like a Diamond goby, except it has dark marks as well as white ones, and I cant find a pic on the net that really resembles him. Anyway, things seemed ok with him the first few days. Now I notice him going after my Peppermint Shrimp, which is entirely too big for him too eat. And he is also working overtime on my sand bed, which is getting on my nerves for some reason lol. I mean, I like that it looks clean and stuff, but he is just getting on my nerves LOL. He doesnt seem to be as cool as the one my friend has, and I am seriously contemplating taking him back to the LFS where I got him.
What's good is, I have a Six Line Wrasse on hold at the same LFS till Thursday. Now I have been looking for a Six Line in my area for about 3 months now, and finally got ahold of one. I really think I am going to take this Goby back when I got to pick up the Six Line. He just seems to aggressive for a Goby lol. I miss Bailey Nudd, and I think I might just wait till some more Orange Spotted Goby's come in at the LFS and get another one of those. My Orange Spotted never acted a fool like this other goby does.
I guess I'm wondering if anyone has ever heard of a "Decorative goby"? And if anyone has had this type of stuff go on? When I first put this new Goby in, I actually felt bad for him cuz my Atlantic Pygmy Angel was swimming backwards at him and running him out of all the caves and stuff lol. Now the thing is just gettin on my case. I wonder if the LFS will give me some credit towards the Six Line for him.


I know this is not one of the questions you asked but I have a six line (that I love) but I also have shrimp and he dive bombs the shrimp on a regular basis. They hide pretty much all of the time now. I know they don't all act this way but I just wanted to give you a heads up. :D Although he is my favorite fish very active!!!

jonny bolt

Oh cool. Thanks for the heads up on that. I should be picking up the Six Line tomorrow afternoon, and I did call the LFS and told them I have decided to take this Goby back. I hate that I have to it, but he is just too aggressive for me. Actually, today when I was staring at the tank and pondering whether or not to definitely take him back, he started swimming up to mid tank level and then tried to nip Doink! (my Maroon Clown). Doink doesnt bother anybody (he's tank raised), and this Goby...whatever kind it is, starts tryin' to tag him. No way, that was it. I had the phone in my hand, and once I saw that, I started to dial the LFS.
I will bring this Goby back, pick up the Six Line, then 3 or 4 weeks down the road I will start looking for another Orange Spotted Goby.


I don't blame you. I wouldn't tolerate much of that either. I got the shrimp from a friend to help control an aptasia problem so I'm not to worried about them. Good luck with your sixline they are great fish to watch. :joy: