New green star polyps won't open ...

Hi and help!
On Saturday I bought from my LFS a yellow poly colony and a green star poly colony. I acclimated them both separately since they came from separate systems, and for about 2 hours each.
The Yellow polyps opened right up and seem to be doing fine, but the green stars haven't come out at all. Any ideas? Is this something they usually do?
Or did I get a bad colony? It looked so nice in the store ...:notsure:



Originally posted by booya
Me to makes me feel stupid. Like it was not a good question.
Hope they open soon.

I second that mine took a week but look awesome now.


New Member
I third it. :)
Mine took about 1 1/2 weeks but are now growing quicker than I had ever expected they would!


They takes days to open each time you disturb them, but make sure they get adequate light and they seem to like decent water flow.