New Gun!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
A gun
Now I can ask my question. I'm not extremely gun savvy; i've never bought or owned a gun. I've shot a few though and find it fun. My good buddy is a gun fanatic and I'm wanting to get him something special for x-mas. I've came across a good bit of cash and am willing to dump some coin on a good handgun. I don't know if this is an unrealistic goal or if it's even possible but i'm thinking of looking for a used Desert Eagle or something similar. I don't even know if anyone would sell a used D.E. or if you have to be a trader or collector to own one. I guess I could settle for a different brand, but i'm looking for the largest caliber handgun I can find.
Any suggestions?
You could always go with a .500. Thats the coolest "not many men can shoot" large caliber. A waste of money to me as you wouldn't want to shoot it because of the recoil. Worst thing you could do is buy a gun for someone else (not legal in most states) and it may not be what they wanted. Less personal, but always great to get is a gift card to a wonderful gun store or outfitter store. Just my thoughts.


Good point Hot.
Wouldn't want a round belonging to a gun in my name lodged in someone or something it shouldn't be.
I'm thinking I'll convince him to come with me to a gun shop or show under the impression he'll help me pick out a gun, then have him pick one out and I'll buy it. It's going to be kind of a dual-ownership thing. He'll be the holder and caretaker of the weapon - which is good because he has the property and location to support shooting, and I'll just tag along and get to squeeze off some rounds whenever I feel like it.
Maybe D.E. is a bit too extreme.....I'm just looking for a minimum .45 caliber, preferably .50 caliber. Like I said, i'm not extremely knowledgeable about guns and don't know many brands that take it to that level. One other thing; should I worry about a .50 putting me on my ass? I've shot a .357 magnum snub-nose without worry for reference.
Any other suggestions?


The semi- action coupled with the giant slide of the desert eagle take a huge chunk of the recoil off. I was fortunate enough to play with one for a bit of an afternoon. They are so cool in the movies, but that's pretty disillusioning. It's absolutely gigantic, so if your friend has smallish hands, it's probably a no-no. The other thing is that ammo is SO expensive. About a buck and a half every time you pull the trigger. However, it's an absolute blast to shoot, and put giant smoking holes in things. It would also be the center piece to an even already impressive collection. A tough decision to be sure. If you're looking to get him a gun to just toy around with get a Walther PPK or P99. Both beautiful guns, and you can pretend you're James Bond.
Edit: Or, sorry, I reread what you wrote and saw you wanted .45 and up. Well, Kimber makes beautiful 1911's.


I've always been fond of those PPK's for some reason. Small, sleek, and as you mentioned; Bond's gun.
I figured everything about a D.E. would be extreme, price especially. Am I out of my mind thinking about going after a used one? Do they even exist? I would think one with the personality to BUY a D.E. would never let it go.
My goal is to get a fun hand-cannon. If I could find an equivelant in terms of quality and firepower for less money and less hassle, I'd jump on it. If I remember correctly H&K or Glock or maybe even both put out a .45 don't they? I assume the Glock would be cake to find and cheap, and I think H&K have a reputation for being expensive.
Like I said though, price isn't my main concern. A .40 - .50 caliber handgun that's not extremely hard to find and reliable. Other than that, i'm flexible.
What would you buy?


Personally I'm not a fan of Glocks, but that's just me. Pretty much every gun maker is going to have something chambered in .45. H&K's are pricey, but if I could afford one, I would have had one already. A USP Tactical in .45 will run you $1,115 new. I've got the catalog here, how much of a nerd am I? The top H&K, the MK23 (think SOCOM) is giant and a nail driver. A $2,412 nail driver. If you're looking for really BIG handcannons, you'll probably have to step into the revolver realm.


Me neither, I've never actually held a glock, but they look flimsy. They seem cheap and easy to come by though.
That MK23 is a rifle isn't it? Maybe rifle isn't the exact term,
I've thought about revolvers. I remember seeing one a while back called a "Raging Bull" that looked mean. If I remember right, 'twas .60 caliber....I could be wrong though. I don't think I'm man enough to hang on to one of those.
Don't think that route is for me. So let's say .45 caliber, maybe .50, fairly easy to come by, reliable reputation, and i'm setting a price ceiling of $1,000 preferably used. have an Eagle though....


Active Member
I understand why people own rifles but what do you need a handgun for except to kill people? Always thought it was to compensate for an inadequacy


No, the MK23 is the pistol designed for the military by H&K for spec. ops teams. Raging Bull comes in several calibers, from a .41 Mag all the way up to the .500 Mag. No thank you to that. I'm not a huge guy and don't think that would work well for me.
Jmick- I know several guys that have gotten bored hunting with rifles because it's "too easy" but they don't want to go bow and arrow. Sure, people have pistols for home/personal defense, also they're fun. Many places don't have the space for full-on shooting ranges and have to limit it to pistols. On top of that, guys(ladies) hunting for game in an area that has been know to have bears, will sometimes carry a large pistol. That's what my uncle does. In response to the compensation comment, I sure hope you have a 5 gal nano, a 19" CRT TV, and drive a Geo Metro.
Wouldn't want that turned around on you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dual45s
No, the MK23 is the pistol designed for the military by H&K for spec. ops teams. Raging Bull comes in several calibers, from a .41 Mag all the way up to the .500 Mag. No thank you to that. I'm not a huge guy and don't think that would work well for me.
Jmick- I know several guys that have gotten bored hunting with rifles because it's "too easy" but they don't want to go bow and arrow. Sure, people have pistols for home/personal defense, also they're fun. Many places don't have the space for full-on shooting ranges and have to limit it to pistols. On top of that, guys(ladies) hunting for game in an area that has been know to have bears, will sometimes carry a large pistol. That's what my uncle does. In response to the compensation comment, I sure hope you have a 5 gal nano, a 19" CRT TV, and drive a Geo Metro.
Wouldn't want that turned around on you.
Haha, I was only having fun...stuck in the office today and going stir crazy! Actually, my wife just got me a new 42" Plasma :joy:


Dude, I can imagine, I've been drawing "THE WORST BLIZZARD EVER" graphics all day. You're pretty much right in it.


Almost forgot to apologize to TX for bogarting his thread.
Dual explained it nicely Jmick. Personally, I want a small and discreet handgun for protection; i'm planning on getting my concealed weapon permit shortly after. Also, I assume you haven't shot a handgun before, it's hella fun. Perhaps more fun than a shotgun.
I wonder if I could find one of those fully automatic handguns.....I saw a video of one a while back but can't remember the brand. Crazy gun though, looked painfull to shoot.
I remember when I was a kid, I used to go camping with this

outdoorsman. He owned a house with heating and air conditioning - nice house too - but rarely was there; he was always camping somewhere, living off nature hunting and fishing. Really cool guy, down to earth with more common sense than anyone i've met yet. He was an exclusive bow hunter but had a very nice handgun just in case. I remember stories of him in northern Arizona hunting Elk with a bow and one story in particular when he and a buddy went to Canada to hunt grizzly. He told me those were the days when he used guns and that's the trip he bought the handgun. Not that a handgun would do a damn thing to a bear, it was "plan B" if he ran out of ammo. He said him and his friends had an understanding that if a bear got hold of you out there, you were basically dead anyways, and the things a bear could do to you - you didn't want to be alive for.
That may have been a story to freak out a kid, but i've heard it more than once.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
im hungry on top of the weather being really cold out here in cali (49degrees F) all of you living in the colder states dont laugh lol
sorry but i have to...i wear shorts when its 49 out lol


You're not going to be able to legally get ahold of anything automatic without a Class 3 license. Reading what you have to go through to get one (not to mention what you have to spend), I'd say it's not even worth it. Glock has a full-auto pistol, Beretta has one...ummm at any rate, probably best to put it out of your mind.


Active Member
Jason, picked up a new rifle this week. It's a Russian/American "Saiga" .308 7.62x51mm basically like a SKS or AK. I love it. I will be buying a 5.56 Kel-Tec in a bit. Barry

30-xtra high

Active Member
your wife likes guns?, guess i'm bein a lil sexist... but i honestly couldn't see my mom in the middle of the woods with a rifle shootin deer. my dad has a 22 rifle, pellet gun, and a remake of a civil war rifle from my grandpa, but he never really got into hunting, he used to sit on our deck at night and shoot racoons comin out of our shed. well hope she enjoys it,
and i love venison, i bet those steaks were so good, our swim team makes food at swim meets, and one time we had venison sloppy joes... they were addicting...


I love my browning .280 stainless stalker (b.o.s.s.) that gun is crazy accurate. I dont think I will ever buy anything other than a browning, well maybe a custom. I go to the range and hit the 300 yard target everytime. also have a 30/30 (first rifle, from grandfather) 20 gauge, .22, .50cal black powder, .357 (taurus), 9mm glock. My father has around 50 guns and my uncle has closer to 100. Its like a gun show, almost anything you want