New Guy asking for Help with putting together a Shark Tank.


I would love to have a shark tank. I have review several post and I notice a lot of difference between a shark tank and a reef tank...Beside the obvious, can anyone advise me on minimum size, filtration, lr, sump, lighting, etc..Recommend a nice looking shark, Can you put anything else in the tank with the shark, what do they eat....


The bare minimum is a 180 gal but i wouldn't recommend anything under 240 gal i prefer a 300. You will need extra filtration because sharks are very messy. You need to keep LR to a minimum just enough to have a few caves for him to hide in. You can use a sump it is a great asset to any tank reef or fish only. and lighting can just be standard because your not haveing any corals. You can have fish and things in the tank,which fish you can have depends on the shark you pick. and they eat clam,squid,shrimp basicly any fresh seafood. and a good beginer shark is a bamboo they look good also. hope i awnsered all of your ?'s if you have more ask. I can also give you some good websites for buying sharks.


Active Member
well as far as tank siz minimum is 180 for ONE SHARK, no more, maybe 1-3lbs of lr per gallon, becuz sharks r messy eaters and ull need good filtration as well, coral cats and marbled cats r nice and two of the smaller sharks in the trade i no of a place that sells em for $80, pretty cheap compared to some places. as far as tankmates go, u can do anything except triggers, puffers, and large angels. a school of sapphire damsels might look nice, or a trio of sunburst anthias. maybe a tang, ray if u got a bigger tank, a dragon eel would look cool if u have the budget lol. ull want a sump and refugium. diets meaty food like shrimp, fish, squid, octo, ocean nutrition shark formula is a good thing. oh and to get him to start eating soak his food in garlic, kick start his feeding response


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What type of filtration do you recommend, let's say i get a 300 gal tank. BTW, does anyone know the dimension of a 300 gal tank?


Active Member
For a shark tank of any standard tank size, a wet/dry filter and large skimmer would be the minimum base filtration I would recommend. I would take the possible nitrate problems any day over an ammonia issue.


Active Member
on my 300 gallon sharkt ank if thats what you want to call it i have a 45 gallon sump and a 55 gallon fuge, i have totall(including sump) about 200-300 pounds of live rock, cheato, and a MASSIVE protein skimmer


basicly electroreceptors pickup the small amount of electricty that every liveing thing emits, they help locate the prey item. and we must monitor it because it will confuse the shark if there is stray voltage in the water,basicly giveing him a false postive on everything.


While - first off I need to ask which species are you planning on going with.
This is important - because the kind of shark basically will tell you the minimum size of tank, you'll need.
For instance - with a Coral Catshark(grow to about 2') - you'll only need a custom built 125 gallon tank(5' x 2.5' x 1.33').
But the Brownbanded Bamboo, Epaulette or Horn you'll need a tank that is at least 240 - 300 gallons (like a 7' x 3.5' x 1.5').
And a shark like a Port Jacksons - well you'll need a very large tank - say at least 750 gallons (10' x 5' x 2').


Active Member
dude for a coal cat ull want about 55 gallons more than that, about 180, w/ sharks the bigger is bettr, affordably big tho