New Guy Here....


New Member
Hello everyone,
My name is Dave, I live in Longview Texas and I'm already a reef-a-holic!
Just so you guys will know up front, I can get a bit long winded, so if you dont mind that too much???
Well, on and off over the years, I have entertained the idea of having a SW Aquarium. (I do have a bit of FW experience). Now, the time has come for me to take the plunge. Over the last several weeks, I have been lurking here and there and visiting so many SW related sites that it makes my head swim. (puns intended).
As recommended in several places, it is wise to make a plan. So I have been planning. I will be going with primarily Soft Corals, Zoas, and Shrooms, plenty of Live Rock and Live Sand and a couple of cool small fish of some sort which are still TBD. And dont let me forget the clean up guys too.
So here is my predicament. The LFS here in my town are basically non-existant so there isnt much of an opportunity for me to actually see the real thing...(namely, a tank!!!) And I have been unable to find a local SWF club to talk to others about or see some of what they might have.
My tank will be a 20sih gallon tank. I would prefer to get one of the 'Kit" tanks as I understand they have about everything one needs to start out in this outstanding hobby.
I have seen the JBJ, Aquapods and Eclipse tanks. To be honest, I didnt care for the Eclipse as I didnt feel it was really thought out well for Saltwater (but I may be wrong...remember, Im new).
The JBJ & Aquapod are nice tank and I think well (enough) thought out but at least for me, it just didnt do it for me visually. The Square shape just didnt do it for me.....I would prefer a more traditional rectangular shaped tank.
So, off to the internet I have gone to find something that fits my eye and fits my financial and space budget. I will admit that after reading for hours on end, I may THINK I know what Im talking about when in reality Im sure I havent even got my foot wet.
I was hoping some of you good people may have had some experience with these tanks that are at the moment on my list and could offer advice on the quality and reputation of them. So below is a very brief description of them. (I would post a link but i think there is some rule about not doing that).
a) Cadlights 22g nano aquarium
b) Finnex 20g M-Tank
All thought, concerns and comments are greatly appreciated.
PS. Also please forgive me as I have to still learn a lot about navitating this forum and learning its format.


Active Member
HI dave welcome to
In my limited expirience JBJ nanos Blow chunks, the filtration set up and return pump speed are thouroughly unimpressive. the lighting isnt bad. over on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate them as a 3 for a begginer. if you didnt know the importance of keeping the triple sponges clear of detritus your nitrates would end up too high and you would lose corals, the triple sponge in the back is a pain and the cooling fans semi fail, (buzz for several minutes untill lots of tapping on the top gets it to stop) this is on a 6 month old unit. I hate it.
on the other note almost zero evaporation. That I like, it helps keep the small tank size stable wich is one of the toughest things about keeping small tanks.


"search" key will be your best friend in this forum.
welcome to the addiction.
You will go poor and addicted like all of us.....:)

tx reef

Active Member
Welcome to your new addiction.....

Nice to see another Texan on the boards. Isn't longview near Tyler? I go through Longview every year on my way to Georgia (via I-20).
I thought for sure Tyler would have a lot of saltwater stuff......


New Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
HI dave welcome to
In my limited expirience JBJ nanos Blow chunks, the filtration set up and return pump speed are thouroughly unimpressive. the lighting isnt bad. over on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate them as a 3 for a begginer. if you didnt know the importance of keeping the triple sponges clear of detritus your nitrates would end up too high and you would lose corals, the triple sponge in the back is a pain and the cooling fans semi fail, (buzz for several minutes untill lots of tapping on the top gets it to stop) this is on a 6 month old unit. I hate it.
on the other note almost zero evaporation. That I like, it helps keep the small tank size stable wich is one of the toughest things about keeping small tanks.
I have both good and bad about the JBJ, particularly about the fans failing. I hadnt read anything negative about the filtration. Thanks for your review, it's well taken.


New Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Welcome to your new addiction.....

Nice to see another Texan on the boards. Isn't longview near Tyler? I go through Longview every year on my way to Georgia (via I-20).
I thought for sure Tyler would have a lot of saltwater stuff......
Hey TX,
Thanks for the welcome. Longview is about 40 miles East of Tyler. You pass on the South Side of Longview traveling through on I-20.
Ive yet to find any useful in Tyler either. If there is a 'boutique' type shop in Tyler that specializes in fish, I havent fount it yet.. All I can find in the Yellow Pages are the typical pet stores which have yet to yield any positive comments from me regarding fishkeeping.
A person would THINK that with a population of over 500K people within a 40 mile radius, there would be at least one or 2 decent shops.... very frustrating around here.


New Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
"search" key will be your best friend in this forum.
welcome to the addiction.
You will go poor and addicted like all of us.....:)
Thanks barchtruong...
I will have to figger out that seach key.
Im already poor!! wahhhhh


Active Member
Originally Posted by trrack2far
Thanks barchtruong...
I will have to figger out that seach key.
Im already poor!! wahhhhh
Chin up trrach2far, it's a fun kind of poor..haha...
Welcome to the when's the upgrade, hahaha... :hilarious
Lisa :happyfish


Good to have a new hobiest here. I am on about 1.5 years with my 36g reef. Started fish only but the wife and I loved the reef. You have already done the thing that has helped me the most...ask the experianced folks here. LFS (although you don't have one) will tell you what they need to make the sale. Advise here is free and good. Mine would be to go a little bigger if you can afford it. The larger the tank the more able to deal with variations. The number one thing, which ever tank you decide on is Reverse Osmosis water and frequent water changes (10% a week if you can). You can pick up a RO unit for $150 or so and I swear my fish are visibly happier when I do a water change (also available at Wal-Mart for under a buck a gallon ((green label
. Must be like taking a fish shower! I too am in TX for the next 4 months and the wife is caring for the tank....fingers crossed. She is doing well so far. I have ordered from this site 3 times and have only had one fish die. Follow the aclimation proceedures and you should have good results. Hey look I am long winded too.
Good luck!


New Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Chin up trrach2far, it's a fun kind of poor..haha...
Welcome to the when's the upgrade, hahaha... :hilarious
Lisa :happyfish
haha Lisa,
Well, I been poor my whole life and I have had LOTs of fun which is the main reason I am still poor! If I had any money I would buy me a new pair of pants that didnt have such a big hole in the pocket!
Im already considering upgrading! Been lookin through the classifieds for anyone that is sick of cleaning their fish tank and wants to sell it CHEAP! LOl.....
No stone left unturned!

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by trrack2far
Hey TX,
Thanks for the welcome. Longview is about 40 miles East of Tyler. You pass on the South Side of Longview traveling through on I-20.
Ive yet to find any useful in Tyler either. If there is a 'boutique' type shop in Tyler that specializes in fish, I havent fount it yet.. All I can find in the Yellow Pages are the typical pet stores which have yet to yield any positive comments from me regarding fishkeeping.
A person would THINK that with a population of over 500K people within a 40 mile radius, there would be at least one or 2 decent shops.... very frustrating around here.

That's weird....
Here in Temple we have 1 pet store (besides Pteco) and they have a great saltwater selection. If I want SPS I go to either Waco (30 miles) or Austin (60 miles). It is real easy since Temple is right on I-35.
Too bad you don't have a tank set up. I am moving my 55 gallon into a 54 corner and have quite a few softies I am getting rid of.
If you are interested, I am selling my 55 (tank, stand, canopy, MH lighting, PC actinics, 120 lbs live rock, 2" sand bed, sump/refugium, 2-Seio 1100 powerheads, return pump, 600 gph overflow, Coralife super skimmer) for $800. This is a complete, ready to go system.
My email is if you are interested.


I was thinking of setting up a nano here...but I could not move it after 4 months. That is a nice price for that set up IMHO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trrack2far
I have both good and bad about the JBJ, particularly about the fans failing. I hadnt read anything negative about the filtration. Thanks for your review, it's well taken.
I'm really glad you took it for what it was. just my limited observations about a tank I am babysitting for a friend. the cooling fan buzzes untill it warms up and I tap the top enough for it to spin right, for the price of a new tank IMO thats bad.
the triple sponges in the back arent really bad, but for a begginner that knew nothing about SW reef keeping. the sponges would present a considerable nitrate problem. if only dealt with once a month it could be a nitrate and phosphate build up problem, if cleaned once a week GREAT. but the return pump does not provide enough flow to suspend particles long enough for the sponges to pick up. the tank needs more (I'm talking a JBJ 12) flow to keep stuff suspended so the sponges can be used to their full potential. plus the over flow is not attached its loose and a rougue turbo snail can and will dislodge it so the surface skimming doesnt happen. IMO suface skimming or turnover is SUPER important to ANY reef tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trrack2far
Hey TX,
Thanks for the welcome. Longview is about 40 miles East of Tyler. You pass on the South Side of Longview traveling through on I-20.
Ive yet to find any useful in Tyler either. If there is a 'boutique' type shop in Tyler that specializes in fish, I havent fount it yet.. All I can find in the Yellow Pages are the typical pet stores which have yet to yield any positive comments from me regarding fishkeeping.
A person would THINK that with a population of over 500K people within a 40 mile radius, there would be at least one or 2 decent shops.... very frustrating around here.

How far is Tyler from Dallas? There are afew good stores in the DFW area, remember i said AFEW. But I don't need any more stores to stalk. :scared:

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
How far is Tyler from Dallas? There are afew good stores in the DFW area, remember i said AFEW. But I don't need any more stores to stalk. :scared:

Longview is about 2 hours from Dallas....


Active Member
Welcome! It's a great hobby, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I personally have the Eclipse 12 for saltwater, comes with a 36 w 50/50 light. I can say the tank is crap....haha. I got it because it was cheap though I didn't realize how cheap it really was until having it up and running a while. At any rate, I'll be upgrading to a 55 gallon shortly and putting all the inhabitants in that one, then using the 12 gallon as a QT - or possibly a frag tank with an egg crate stand up close to the light....not sure yet. I can't much speak to the others though I will suggest that you get the 12-14 gallon range if you want to keep coral because they come with better lighting than the 24-30 gallon range. Hope that helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
"search" key will be your best friend in this forum.
welcome to the addiction.
You will go poor and addicted like all of us.....:)
we may have found another to assimulate. :happyfish