New Guy Looking For Advice


I am new to the salt water scene and getting ready to add LR this weekend to my tank. I have LS and water in the tank so far. After the cycling is done and I am ready to add fish, the first couple fish I am going to add is the Percula Clown. I have a 29 gallon tank. I have a 10,000K Reef Flourescent bulb currently, a carbon filter, and heater. Will be adding 2 current jets this weekend as well. I would like to have some anemone for the clownfish to habitate with but not sure my bulb is strong enough for them. Also, would like to know what kinds of algae eaters and inverts to put in there as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Don't get an anemone right off the bat. Let your tank establish itself for a few months before you even consider it.


I am not currently going to add anything to my tank (i.e. fish or anemone) until after the tank has cycled. I am going to add LR and 2 power jets this weekend. Just trying to get an idea of what to do once I get the tank established and well cycled. Just planning ahead is all. How long would you wait before getting any anemone or anything of that nature? I know I have to get all the levels steady after the live rock is established, and be sure my pH, is fine, no signs of ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate.


If you are using a standard output lighting sytem forget about the anemone. They require an established tank with strong lighting. Clown fish do not require anemones to be happy. You could probably do a small lighting upgrade and get away with some kind of soft coral for them to host in. I would recommend cleaner shrimp, some snails and some hermits for your tank.
10-15 Hermits
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp
10-12 Snails
Maybe an Emerald Crab or 2
Just some ideas HTH!


Yes it helps a lot. I am going to the LPS this weekend to get the LR and add it to the tank. I will let it cycle for a couple weeks then go from there. Do I need to let the LR and LS cycle 1st before I add the snails, shrimp and crabs? From what I am reading the answer is yes, but want to be sure.


Yes absoulutely make sure that the tank is cycled before adding any live stock at all! It is cruel to add it sooner IMO.