New Guy needs some advice


New Member
After lots of research I picked up a Red Sea Max. My tank is 34G and has
approx. 35lbs of live rock. water parameters are good and I'mready to stock.
How many snails, crabs, cleaners etc. are recommended? this site has a
20-55G reef package but it seems like alot. Also, what food will the cleaners require?
Any advice on which corals are easiest to care for in a tank this size?


Active Member
i would get like 10 of nassaris snail and like 5 cerith snails and thats it... as for feeding them.. livestock's poop and algea on the glass will feed them...
it's kinda hard to jump into the coral world with little experience with saltwater tanks... shrooms are easy.. ohh and zoo's and pally's ...

mr. limpid

Active Member
If this a new tank with nothin in it I would hold off on clean up crew, because there is nothin to clean up. Beside they would turn on each other with out something to clean up. As for corals depends on your lights you are running.


Active Member
How long has the live rock been in the tank?
Have you seen a cycle yet or did you get cured rock?
The above statement is not true. If there is live rock in the tank, the clean-up crew will have plenty to eat.


If you have cured live rock and your parameters are good you might want to start out with a set of snails. Astraea Conehead Snails are a great start.
If you notice Aiptasia (research it) forming and its not your thing then a few peppermint shrimp (beware sometimes camel-back shrimp are sold as peppermint shrimp, big difference, research it.) may also be a good start.


Well-Known Member
If you have a newly cycled tank, and you see some algae on the glass or diatoms on the sandbed then I would get about 10 hermit crabs and 10 margaritas and that's it. It's recommended to have one cleaner per gallon, but the more experienced reefers will tell you that if you do that a lot of them will die and cause problems with algae blooms and cyanobacteria (in small tanks).
I hope I helped.