New Guy. New Tank. New Hobby : )


New Member
Hey All,
Been reading this forum for quite some time and about 3 weeks ago I finally did it!
Im approaching week 4 and getting anxious to start to stock (I know patience : )
So far so good... water levels have been on point. Had my brown algae bloom. Doing weekly changes. Etc
Any stock suggestions? Online vs LFS? My LFS has been really great so far... the prices there are through the roof though. I really want to buy online but Im kinda scared and with the shipping prices it makes it difficult to buy a couple fish (I want to take it slow and enjoy)
150 gallon glass
40 gallon sump
Urchin protein skimmer
2 Koralia #4's
2 jager heaters
Rio Pump
1 T5 1 Actinic
About 70 pounds live rock so far
Live sand
12 green chromies to help cycle (and then there were 9)
20 snails this weekend to eat up the algae
1 Royal Gamma
1 Fire Shrimp


New Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Looking good
I wouldnt add anything else for a month or more..
Thanks man!
U mean a month total right? Or another month? I was planning on addng a fish or twoaround the 6 week mark.


Looks good so far!
I have a 150 also. I would get about another 50 pounds of rock to help your fish out and filter the water too. Try and find uncure rock which is way cheaper and just cure it yourself which takes a few weeks. I would also get 2 more pumps for circulation in the tank. The pumps you have now are great as I just got those about 2 months ago and love them!
I would also not buy too many fish at once as you can shock your tank since is so new. Try and do research on what fish you want all together and get the more passive ones first, work your way up to the aggressive guys.
Good luck
Keeping your fish Healthy? What about your body?


Active Member
Looks good so far! I would also suggest NOT to cycle a tank with live fish
It's kind of cruel to kill them just to cycle a tank JMO. I never used fish or "dead" shrimp to cycle a tank , you don't need it. Another 50+ LBS of LR would be good , I know its expensive! That I would buy online , since its a new tank and you are cycling anyway the die off you get from shipping won't be a big deal. And the price is ALLOT better then the 7-10.00 per LB price in the LFS!! Never got fish on line but the sales here for fish seem pretty good! Good luck and congrats on the new BIG tank
Keep us posted with Pic's!!!


New Member
Originally Posted by Raccoon
Looks good so far!
I have a 150 also. I would get about another 50 pounds of rock to help your fish out and filter the water too. Try and find uncure rock which is way cheaper and just cure it yourself which takes a few weeks. I would also get 2 more pumps for circulation in the tank. The pumps you have now are great as I just got those about 2 months ago and love them!
I would also not buy too many fish at once as you can shock your tank since is so new. Try and do research on what fish you want all together and get the more passive ones first, work your way up to the aggressive guys.
Good luck
Keeping your fish Healthy? What about your body?
Rac... do you have any pics of your tank??? Would love to see it...


Some fish are fine to buy on-line. You need to make sure you are home when they are delivered so they are not exposed to the elements.
Other fish are more delicate and you shouldn't ship them. If the on-line retailer says no "arrive live" guarantee, they are probably delicate fish.
The pro of buying here at SWF is a great selection of fish and reasonable pricing.
The pro of buying at your local fish store is you can eyeball the fish carefully before you buy it, make sure it is eatting, and it doesn't have to go through more shipping.