New Guy


First of all I'm a new guy on the block here so just wanted so say hi to everyone here, go easy on me haha. I've been readin posts here for a while but just logged in today. Anyways I'm also new to the whole salt water tank experience, just curious if you have any reccomendations on first fish etc. I wanna start or slow and small. Sorry this was lengthy, hope to hear from ya soon.


welcome to the BB.... im sure you can find out alot on here... but first try this... if you think you have a very simple question try doing a search on the keyword you wanting to know... lots of ole history here with this bb... second tell us what you have already or what you want to get as far as,LR(live rock).what are far plans.. fish only? reef? fish with inverts and live rock?.. just a little info .. and please dont be afraid to post questions...they will get read... just have patince for the answer....

nm reef

Active Member
Howdy....welcome to the us the specifics on your set-up.........everone here will help as much as we can.....
but be careful da sharks bite.......keep fingers out of the water.......(I've only got thumbs left)
just jokin......... :D ;) :eek:


Welcome!!!!...Adivse is three things....
First: Read
Second: Read
Third: Read
Also, expect some downfalls and don't get discouraged, it all works out in the end. Enjoy. This is a wonderful, beautiful hobby and this is by far the best BB you will ever find.....the people here are the best!!! ;)
Starting from scratch hmmmmm ok.
1. Buy the largest tank you can afford. Larger tanks equal more water and a more stable aquarium.
2. No matter what type of setup you are going for (reef, fish only etc) get a reef ready tank, ie drilled for a sump if you can afford it. It will allow you to hide equipment, add makeup water and suppliments more easily and increase overall water volume (again more water more stability).
3. Don't skimp on equipment. Whether it is a protein skimmer, lighting, heater, sump etc the better equipment you buy now the less problems and added expense through upgrades you will have to deal with later.
4. Decide what you want to keep before you setup the tank. Research those items before you buy anything and plan for their care accordingly. So many people set up a tank with the minimum for fish and then start buying anenomes and corals only to find out they will die without hundreds of dollars of upgrades they have to get yesterday. Your tank will constanly evolve but keep it in the realm for which it was started. In other words don't put an anenome in a SPS (small polyped stony) tank and don't put SPS in a fish only tank. If you want a mixture plan for it from the begining.
5. After all the research and questions and finally the decision on which method or system for your tank you will subscribe to (ie berlin, DSB, wet/dry combo etc) the one thing you will have to have in abundnce and comes very hard for most is PATIENCE. Go SLOW and don't be afraid to post with questions. The hardest thing I did was let my tank sit around empty for months while I was saving for equipment.
6. Regular routine mainence and schedules. After the cycle change the water regularly. Put additives in you tank the same time every day. Feed the same time every day. Have the lights come on and go off the same time every day. These routines will help you to remember to do all you need to and give the inhabitants a more stable environment.
Before this gets to long winded(ok more long winded) I'll wrap it up. Post what you would like to keep and I'm sure the specs for the tank will start pouring in. Then make a decision based on how much time and money you are willing to devote to your new piece of the ocean. Hope this helps


Active Member
The above post says it all and is very well done, so follow the advice and you will have a good start. As you plan what you want to do post what you want to get and how you plan to set up and the members will give you help to get off to the right start. Use the search as suggested it is a library of great thoughts.


I know my question was really broad, and I already like everyone here. But I'm gonna plan for 3 months on what I'd like just by reading everyones opinions on different things. Why so long.....I'm going away for the summer so obviously I wouldnt be able to give appropriate attention for the animals. So I figure ill just read what you all have to say about different things and just try to get an idea, or new ideas about what I want.


Yes, I would save your money in these three months, and buy the biggest tank you can, with the best equipment. Because you will find out, even if you buy a 135 gal. tank, 5 months down the road you will want another tank, or a bigger one. I think we all want that. If you spend now, you will save in the future. The idea is to do it right the first time. You are smart for starting your research early, it would be nice if more people did this first. You are well on your way.


I've always been interested in animals of every kind. Salt water tanks are always so pretty, and there is also responsibility that comes with it too so you can feel like you're the one whos making it look real nice. Also when you have people come over theyre gonna be interested.


Welcome to the board! #1
Definatly do not be afraid to ask questions on your pending purchases. I wish I had this about this 5 yrs. ago when I first tried SW. There are alot of different approaches to this hobby and the only one that is right is what works for your livestock. take the 3 months and read and save your money. Make a plan and research it thouroghly.
And Research
Did I mention RESEARCH ?
Good Luck.