New hammer coral


My mom came to visit me on Mothers day and really liked my tank. She was pretty amazed and wanted to see where I got my coral. So I took her to the nicer LFS in my area.
After awhile she asked me if I knew what kind of coral this was and would I like to have one?
I told her it is a hammer coral of some sort and I don't think I can correctly care for LPS corals. But I would very much like to have one...:)
So she bought me this. I fed it a bit of mysis already and have it in medium ish light and moderate flow.
I don't know what kind of hammer it is tho. I've seen them before.



Active Member
It's a green branching hammer.
I believe you're ready to step up to LPS. Most that we see aren't that delicate and hammer is a good starter LPS.


Its really cool and I love the coloration. It was cool to see it eat a bit of shrimp too.
Thanks SPEG. Ill keep posting pics if it grows or changes.


Active Member
When you finally place it in the tank remember to give it a lot of room. Euphyllia sp. have long sweeper tentacles.
Really nice piece.


Active Member
Here is a picture of a frogspawn, the browninsh colored tentacles, with its sweepers out, the greyblue colored ones. Normally they will come out when the coral feels its space is being invaded. They have powerful nematocyts that will sting nearby coral.


Your avatar is the frogspawn? Thats pretty cool
So If I don't see these namatocyts than my coral is pretty happy? Its at least 10" from my Zoas and Xenia cluster.
Thanks Spanko!


Active Member
You may see the sweepers any time. As for it being happy, well, anthropomorphism is not something I promote.


Originally Posted by spanko
You may see the sweepers any time. As for it being happy, well, anthropomorphism is not something I promote.
HA HA! I see. well....The coral is alive and colorful and not deterorating into a mass of gunk, which makes ME happey.


Active Member
Nice piece. My green star polyps has really began taking off and I suspect that I will have to peel some out soon. The hammer that is near by has been zapping it so I guess the two are getting to close for comfort.