
I have a 38 gallon reef/fish tank. I was buying a lot of corals/fish from SUFFOLK COUNTY FISH AND REEF until i purchased what was supposed to be RO-DI water. I went home and I did a test on the tank all of the levels were great so I proceeded to do a 10 gallon water change and 3 days later i went back and got 5 gallons more of their supposedly RO-DI water. I tested my levels and the NITRATE level was at 50 ppm....... I called up the owner and he told me that he don't sell RO-DI water, so i said to him " That's bullshit" and he gave me nothing but headaches that he only sells RO water. So i asked him why when i asked them for RO-DI water he told his worker to give me 5 gallons of RO-DI water. He had no answer except that the problem was on my end not his............ Now i went out and purchased my own RO-DI system and I'm about to purchase a SULFUR DE-NITRATE so i can bring down level to 0 ppm..
That is more common than you think! I have a guy that told me this and I believe him. If they run out of R/O just turn on the tap.


you don't have to buy a sulfur denitrator to lower your nitrates. Especially in a 38gal, just do a couple of water changes and your good.


I have done 2 water changes so far and still the Nitrate will not budge below 40 ppm. So thats why I was going to get the DE-NITRATER this way theres no more problems.


Active Member
Suffolk county CT? is that where you are? I'm in CT as well thhas why I ask. and I know a few people at my LFS and I actually go in the back even with the owner there to get my own RO water lol


Active Member
Good luck getting your nitrate down to zero. If you have a patent on that please post it here. With most reefers that is the biggest problem. I can't seem to get mine below 20. I never heard of a sulfur de-nitrater. Perhaps you can share some info


Well-Known Member
Oh well then, don't go back to the store, but certainly don't blame him unless you KNOW exactly that it was him who added the nitrates to your water.


Active Member
either way R.O. should have zero nitrates. I dont have a deionizer, just R.O. and its produces nitrate and phospate free water. I would be a bit concerned if my tap water had that much nitrate. who knows what they were selling you


Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
Suffolk county CT? is that where you are? I'm in CT as well thhas why I ask. and I know a few people at my LFS and I actually go in the back even with the owner there to get my own RO water lol
Suffolk County, NY, out here on LI.
I've been to the place. It never impressed me. They'd either have 0 of a fish, or 10, and the fish never looked happy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
either way R.O. should have zero nitrates. I dont have a deionizer, just R.O. and its produces nitrate and phospate free water. I would be a bit concerned if my tap water had that much nitrate. who knows what they were selling you
Good point. Unless they used old tank water to sell, I would guess something else happened in your tank.


Just to let everyone no its L.I. N.Y...... The fish look like crap I hear as well. I have not been there in a while and will never go back. You can get the Nitrares down with a Sulfer DENITRATOR to 0 ppm. My brotherin law has 1 that he hase running for about 5 week after the secound week the leveles droped from 40 to 20 now there at 0ppm after 5 weeks its still keeping them down. He hase a 120 Reef/Fish and feeds alot and still the leveles dont move. If you want to check out the DENITRATOR go to midwest they have them. They are pricey but I think its worth the $$$$$$...... So now I have my own RO-DI filter and will be makeing my own water and no thats its TRUE RO-DI water.
Theres not to many good stores out hear in L.I. that have nice QUALITY saltwater fish and corals. I was getting alot stuff from H20 in queens but they are closeing because the owner is going back to his country. I guess he mad a killing over the years. theres 1 stor in they city but they are pricey. I heard they have a small selection but the stuff looks great. I really dont no of any other in L.I. any body that knows of a few let me no.


I use RO water no one in my town sells RO/DI and my trats sit at 5 except when i did't do a water change for a month and they only when up to 20...


Active Member
You can't know the Nitrate came from the RO water unless you actually test the RO water on its own. Its perfectly possible you got a bad case of salt or something too. RO water should also have 0 Nitrates.


I did check there water the 2nd time I purchased it and the level was at 20ppm.....When I called them and told them they said its not possible so I told them ill be in there and they can test it in front of me and they didn't want to. They said there was no need they now what the sell.


mutts and butts in merrick ny on merrick ave is very good ive been using them and the are knowlegable and resonably priced


Active Member
No one likes to get blown off, but I do think this maybe a little blown out of proportion. There are a lot of different ways you could have gotten a nitrates(or was it trite now I don't remember) besides them having bad water. Here are some things to check just in case, Did you test their water before sticking it into your tank, was it before or after you mixed it? Newly mixed salt water will have some trates simply from the salt. Maybe you had a reading in your tank. Also testing kits aren't horribly accurate, and the common nitrate kit is pretty finicky if not properly administered. finally, Instead of a whole new piece of equipment, a good water change (assuming they are the source of the trates) will significantly lower that reading, along with some macro algae in the fuge.
Although I wouldn't put it past some unscrupulous lfs owner to say use tap instead of ro or ro/di water.


I would have to say its the water they sold me . The tank was set up for 11 weeks running with all the levels 100% perfect...I was getting RO-DI water from my brother in law. I didn't have the time to get there to get it from him so I got it from the store. I only use TROPIC MARINE salt NITRATE FREE. filter pads were new refuge was good and pre filter was clean. Well now I really dint have to worr about that anymore I have a RO-DI system and I just ordered a SULFUR DENITRATER this way there will be no more problems.


I must say that place is okay I guess. it has sooo much potential with the setup bit extremely over priced. For example a pair of crosshatches for 1700!!!!!!!!!!! Last time I saw the pair, the female had Lymph. You can get three pair for that. A golden puffer, a average specimen for 500.00!!!! Crazy. If someone will pay it, then its justified, but these fish don't seem to be moving. The guys at the store have the knowledge of your average fish keeper with a few years of hobby experience. I don't understand how a LFS or any business for that matter goes into business without mastering the craft. I know you see it at LFS everywhere. The staff knows nothing and feeds false information to their customers. I must say that I usually don't shop on-line for many things, but your major on-line fish retailers like SWF know what they are doing! Tim


Also one last thing. i never understood people buying water from LFS. Make your own. It still kills me i drink bottled water and got trained to do so. Tim


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefman1223
I would have to say its the water they sold me . The tank was set up for 11 weeks running with all the levels 100% perfect...I was getting RO-DI water from my brother in law. I didn't have the time to get there to get it from him so I got it from the store. I only use TROPIC MARINE salt NITRATE FREE. filter pads were new refuge was good and pre filter was clean. Well now I really dint have to worr about that anymore I have a RO-DI system and I just ordered a SULFUR DENITRATER this way there will be no more problems.
Well, I'm glad you've got your stuff set up right now, but no salt is nitrate free. In fact the last "study" I saw TMP test with one of the higher levels of salt.