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New Member
Hi there thx for your time to read my thread,
Currently I have a 65 G (used to be a fresh water fish tank) Glass tank. I'm thinking to start a saltwater fish tank.
Q1. Since its a glass tank do I need it drilled? ( or overflow?)
Q2. If i didnt choose to drill it. regular wet/dry filter will be alright? (just fish and live rock tank)
Q3. Is it possible to have a sump with no overflow. (would be a burden to take a 65 g tank to LFS)
Q4. Do i need a refug if its only for fish and LR tank?
Again thanks you for answering me. I know I'm very new to SW.:)


Q1. Since its a glass tank do I need it drilled? ( or overflow?)
No, you can purchase a hang ong skimmer and/or filter or a hang on the back overflow plumbed to a sump.
Q2. If i didnt choose to drill it. regular wet/dry filter will be alright? (just fish and live rock tank)
Possibly... it depends on what you plan on putting in there.
Q3. Is it possible to have a sump with no overflow. (would be a burden to take a 65 g tank to LFS)
No, you need an overflow for a sump... A sump isn't required, however it does help out by creating a spot for larger skimmers, heaters and a place to add supplements.
Q4. Do i need a refug if its only for fish and LR tank? No.
Good luck

david s

Welcome to the board X one question has this tank been treated with copper when it was a fresh water system ??
as for your questions you can run with a deep sand bed and live rock with some power heads and a good hang on skimmer (no sump) then after when you get into it more get a overflow box and make a sump I recomend for your size tank a berlin turbo hob skimmer. then if you want to make a sump later just take the hob parts off and drop it in the sump Good luck and go slow and ask alot of questions we will be more than happy to help :D


New Member
Thanks for all your answers.
David S. Nope I never add anything inside the tank.:)

david s

great then it is copper free ps dont waste money on cured rock get uncured when you setup a new system it doesnt matter and uncured is alot cheaper online and if you live on the east coast go to home depot and get southdown sand much cheaper



Originally posted by Xa
Q1. Since its a glass tank do I need it drilled? ( or overflow?)
I dont suggest drilling a tank... get an overflow
Q2. If i didnt choose to drill it. regular wet/dry filter will be alright? (just fish and live rock tank)
to have a W/D, you will have to have some type of overflow (unless you get one that clips onto the back)
Q3. Is it possible to have a sump with no overflow. (would be a burden to take a 65 g tank to LFS)
yes, i had a friend use a couple of canister filters.... but he did have a couple of floods....
Q4. Do i need a refug if its only for fish and LR tank?
no, you dont NEED a fuge...
Again thanks you for answering me. I know I'm very new to SW.:)
