new hobbiest, need advise please


New Member
me and my husband are getting started with a 80 gal. tank. we put ro water and crushed coral/rock in tank (of course salt) 3 weeks ago, it has been cycling since. Our lr comes on thursday so we will add that, can i have reef as well?? using fuji lr. what kind of fish to start out with?? any help would be appreciated. thank you


Welcome to a wonderful hobby!! The first thing you are going to hear though is to change your cc to ls. It really is much better, do a search on the threads and you will discover why. I just changed mine yesterday because of this forum. Good luck with everything and all I can say is do LOTS of research, ask questions here and take the advice of people here before you would any lfs.


Active Member
WElcome, Also after you have done research on CC verse LS you will probably come across info that says it is best to put rock in then put sand or CC around the rock. IMO I think sand is the way to go .You will find there is a ton of info on here good luck


You can leave the cc in and add ls sand on top of it but, eventually the sand is going to work its way to the bottom and you are stuck with the cc on top again. I know it is a "waste" of money it seems the long run, it will save you money. I know how I felt yesterday when I took $80.00 dollars worth of cc and just trashed it but, look at it this's better to find out now then for it to cost you more down the line.


New Member
thanks for the help, i will remove cc and put in ls, can i add the sand after i put in the lr?


i would definately add the sand after the lr because then the rock has a solid foundation. if your put rock on sand your sand could shift macking all your rock come tumbling down.


Staff member
If it were me, I would get a large rubbermaid squarish type container, put your LR in there when it arrives, and then siphon off water from your tank into this container for the LR. Add one of your of powerheads to keep the water moving until you can vacate the cc and add in the LS.
Once the tank is empty of the old substrate, lay down the LS. Get fine particle size, not larger grain sizes. In this case, smaller is better. Get your powerheads moving gently in the tank. It will basically look like you dumped milk in the tank, but this will settle. Once it does, you can add the LR. Once the LR is back in the display, get the water in the square LR container back into the display. Again, it will look like a dust storm, but it will settle. Once it does, you will see that your LR has some sand on it. If you have a very small powerhead, you can effectively and gently blow this off.
With a live sand setup, you can definitely move to reef tank with the correct lighting. Crushed coral substrate can not support a reef tank well. The sharp edges of the coral wound micro-fauna in the sand, as well as other sand dwelling animals, such as stars, worms, snails, etc. You made the right decision to ditch the cc.
If you don't have this book, get it.


New Member
thanks beth, i ordered the book so i should have it by the end of teh week, thanks everyone for your advise