New Hobbiest


New Member
We just purchased a 14g BioCube. We have 20lbs of Live Sand and 8lbs of Live Rock. This has been set up for about 4 days. The people at the store where kind of helpful but I feel that we missed out on some important stuff. We don't have a temp gague or a heater. Do we need these? Also, I don't think that the left chamber where the pump is, is staying full. We tried a few of the suggestions on removing the filter that came with it but that still didn't work. Any other ideas. All we want to do is have some live rock, coral, anenmones and a few fish. Do we need to buy better lighting? Any advise on how to proceed from here would be great. Thanks for the help.


Every new piece of equipment we buy at stores need to be broken in to give time for all the little bubbles to go away and the equipment to start working normaly. Your tank have to be cycled before you add any lifestock in it. Do some research for compatibility, tank size requirements, lighting etc. Welcome to the board.


I have the BioCube 8 which I really really enjoy. What I did was just put the LS (about an inch) in 14bls of LR and let it sit for about 2 weeks. Monitired the water test each day. Then I put in a cleanup crew. Only they were in there for about a month and did well then I added 2 false clowns and they and the tank are doing awsome. I did remove the bioballs from the middle section in the back and also removed the filter from the far right section and replace it all with LR rubble. In the middle section above the rubble I put activated carbin and filter floose and put the drip pan back on. In the far right section I put an amonia remover bag on top of the live rock. I would reccomend a heater for those cold days like we had last night in FL down into the 50s (I know those in the north will laugh but thats cold for us south floridians.
I hope you enjoy your BioCube as much as I enjoy mine and this place ( is a great place for information there are some really wise people here and very helpful.


New Member
Thanks for all the great input. This is an awesome message board. I just keep monitering everything for another week and then get some different filtering. Thanks again.


Don't be afraid to ask any question. There are no dumb questions. All of us have been newbies at one time or another. :happyfish