New Hobbyist saltwater stocking schemes help


New Member
Hello, I am trying to gather information on setting-up the proper saltwater tank scheme before I delve head first into the hobby. As any new hobbyist, I would like to have as much color and variety as possible(fish,coral/live rock,tank cleaners,invertebrates) that are an easy care in the begining but, with room to expand as my abilities improve. can anyone guide/offer advice?


New Member
Hello, I am trying to gather information on setting-up the proper saltwater tank scheme before I delve head first into the hobby. As any new hobbyist, I would like to have as much color and variety as possible(fish,coral/live rock,tank cleaners,invertebrates) that are an easy care in the begining but, with room to expand as my abilities improve. can anyone guide/offer advice on a proper set-up?


Active Member
Not exactly sure what you are looking for, for an answer, but try checking out the stickied threads at the top of this forum there is a ton of information there that will get you started and answer some of the basic questions and then narrow your questions down and we can chime in on those.
BTW Welcome to the Hobby and the Forums, this is one of the best forums out there lots of friendly knowledgable people willing to help out.


New Member
Thank you, I am new to this forum stuff so I am learning learnig how to do this as well as learning about the saltwater.


i'll tell you what i did to help me figure out what i really wanted and if it was possible: i checked out those threads that natclanwy was speaking of, and i took some time to browse the fish, coral, and inverts available through to see what was compatible with what, and to see what the needs of certain livestock was. once i had an idea of what i wanted, i started asking questions to anyone who would answer them, and once i got an answer, i asked the ppl on this forum if that sounded right. i still second guess the advice i get on here from time to time, just to make sure i'm headed in the right direction. to be honest: this website has made it much easier for me to understand things. i always found someone else's thread asking ppl the same questions that i had, and im sure you will too. if not, just ask and you'll get an answer.


New Member
Thanks alot both of you for your advice. Since I first posted today I've been researching pretty much all day today. I've definitely discovered one thing, I first need to decide on what size tank I want before doing anything else. With that said, I decided that I would like to find at least a 75 gallon tank. So my quest begins to find my tank.


Originally Posted by skorpius
Thanks alot both of you for your advice. Since I first posted today I've been researching pretty much all day today. I've definitely discovered one thing, I first need to decide on what size tank I want before doing anything else. With that said, I decided that I would like to find at least a 75 gallon tank. So my quest begins to find my tank.
Take a look on Craigs List you can start there for a tank and stand and then go from there...And welcome aboard.


read, read, read, and then read some more...
This is a great place to start. The threads at the top are FULL of great information. I would suggest reading other threads too. Learning from others mistakes/questions is a great (and less costly) method of learning...
I would suggest that you first take a look at how much you are willing to spend on this hobby. It's not cheap and in the beginning things add up fast.
Another suggestion.. dont go cheap or try to cut corners... In the end you will pay for it ten fold.
I good way to get your feet wet is to start a fish with live rock tank first and then slowly move into corals and such...
What size tank are you looking at?


New Member
Thanx all for the help, I do appreciate it. I have been taking everybody's advice and reading just about everything I can get my hands on, threads, books etc. I'm gonna pick up a book by Michael Paletta, titled the new marine aquarium. I found that info from one of the threads in on this site. I looked on craigslist for my area but no one has anything for sale, also ----. I am looking for at least a 75 gallon tank.