New Hobbyist


New Member
Hello all!!! I am new to the board and the saltwater hobby! I have a 110 gl cichlid tank, and I have had cichlids for years, but I have always wanted a saltwater tank since I was a kid. Anyways, I have a 100 gl overflow w/sump, protein skimmer, 2 250 watt Metal Halide (sp) lights, ect. I am very excited the tank has been cycling for a little over two weeks now, but even when completed no rush to add anything too fast. I do have a simple ? though. How many fish is ideal for a 100 gl? This is pretty much a fish only tank, and I have done my research of course, but I would rather get a second opinion. Oh and one more thing! I tested my water (twice) and my Amonia would not read at all... does this mean it is off the charts?
Sorry post is so long!!!!


New Member
Your gonna need to figure out which fish you want to keep, their compatibilty with each other, how big they get, where their from (for tempature purposes), and care level. The saying says: ONE INCH OF FISH PER GALLON, but this not entirely correct. So, a fish that grows to 5 inches means you'll have 95 inches per gallon left. Not so. Some fish need more territory and some are fast swimmers and move around the tank alot faster and more. Just give it some time to figure things out.


well tell us more as to how you started the cycle, your other reading to like ph amm ,nitrate, nitrite and SG or PPM


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we need all your parameters, and maybe even a pic of your tank so that we can suggest what type of fish would do well in it. For example, if you have a deep sandbed, you can get something really cool like a jaw fish or other sand sifting fish. If you have a lot of overhangs, you can get some really cool invertebrates such as cleaner shrimp, cucumbers, and fish that like to dart in and out of your rock work.
Welcome to the boards by the way!


Active Member
Pictures would be great, and also a list of your water parameters like mentioned above (when you get home). Welcome to the hobby. Also, did you do anything to start the cycle (adding an ammonia source)? You need something to start it such as a piece of a cocktail shrimp (some use damsels, although this is outdated) or similar. Anything that would bring in ammonia is what you are looking for. Good luck and welcome to the addiction!


New Member
Thanks for all the responses! I took a sample of water to the LFS and had it tested again by them. They said everything looked great except for the PH??? I don't know why the Ph is low, but I bought a buffer to bring it up. By the way I figured out why my amonia didn't read. It was a user error

I will try to post the pics tonight!
Thanks Again


BECAREFUL WITH BUFFER. Make sure you test your dkh, cal ,carb. Ph need alot of other minerals to stay stable.