New Hobbyists


Nice article! My son is 12 yrs old and with my help he has been keeping FW fish for a few years now. He used to marvel at the salt water fish when we go to the LFS. The people there always told us that it very difficult sustain a sw tank, and were very discouraging. Since finding this site we have felt more confident that we could do it, everyone has been so helpful. I recently heard my son tell someone that he wants to get a masters degree in marine biology!!! Every question I ask on this board, he reads the responses to, and often the questions are his. I have never had a "snotty" resonse from anyone, and I appreaciate that. I am glad there are those that are sensitive to the newbies! Thank you All
PS. We have a 10 gal SW tank that is doing great, and we will be purchasing a 55gal next week!!!:joy:


For many years I too was intimidated my the "mystique" of SW. I started seriously researching SW about 6 months ago and found this board. Thanks to this board, I have a 72 bow cycling right now! Cudos and welcome fellow newbee!


Welcome to the hobby as I did the same thing your son has. I had a FW up until this year. I was discouraged by the complexity and price of the hobby until I found this board. I read here for over a year before I even purchased a tank. The great thing about this place is you almost never have to ask a question because someone has almost certainly asked it before. Lucky kid at 12 years old he gets a SW tank and a career goal.


I was always taken back by SW tanks becuase everyone always said they were so hard to maintain. After finding this site and doing some research, I quickly learned that while it is extra work, its nothing that drastic that the average person could not hadle. My tanks a little over two months old not and I hope to add some more corals in a couple weeks!


Active Member

Originally posted by Angelcam
Nice article! My son is 12 yrs old and with my help he has been keeping FW fish for a few years now. He used to marvel at the salt water fish when we go to the LFS. The people there always told us that it very difficult sustain a sw tank, and were very discouraging. Since finding this site we have felt more confident that we could do it, everyone has been so helpful. I recently heard my son tell someone that he wants to get a masters degree in marine biology!!! Every question I ask on this board, he reads the responses to, and often the questions are his. I have never had a "snotty" resonse from anyone, and I appreaciate that. I am glad there are those that are sensitive to the newbies! Thank you All
PS. We have a 10 gal SW tank that is doing great, and we will be purchasing a 55gal next week!!!:joy:

I'm a convert as well. The one thing different about FW and SW is a small FW tank is easier to maintain than a larger one.
The opposite goes for SW...a small SW tank is WAY harder to maintain than a larger some aspects.
My advice to start Slowly, you can't add fish as fast as you can with FW.
Even though you will goto the store and marvel at all the fish.
Unless you want to set up the Next BLOODSPORT!
Also stay away from Corals and Anenomes for the first few months anyway, even though you will want them.
Good luck and have fun!