Nice article! My son is 12 yrs old and with my help he has been keeping FW fish for a few years now. He used to marvel at the salt water fish when we go to the LFS. The people there always told us that it very difficult sustain a sw tank, and were very discouraging. Since finding this site we have felt more confident that we could do it, everyone has been so helpful. I recently heard my son tell someone that he wants to get a masters degree in marine biology!!! Every question I ask on this board, he reads the responses to, and often the questions are his. I have never had a "snotty" resonse from anyone, and I appreaciate that. I am glad there are those that are sensitive to the newbies! Thank you All
PS. We have a 10 gal SW tank that is doing great, and we will be purchasing a 55gal next week!!!:joy:
PS. We have a 10 gal SW tank that is doing great, and we will be purchasing a 55gal next week!!!:joy: