New home for a few cool fish


here is the fish list for this big boy. ( subject to change)
Sailfin TangP
Blue TangP
Harlequin Tusk (Australia)SA
Volitan LionfishSA
Snowflake Eel SA
Dog Face Puffer SA


So i take it tusk like zoos??? oh well they where on the rock looks good for now lol. I have no room for them in my reef tank and they are on a huge rock so no trading.


not real sure if i had to guess I would say 100 150lbs. It is about 12 big pieces. I have another 100 125 in my 75 reef and about 20 lbs in the sump of this 175. oh and about 15 lbs in my sons 15 gal nemo tank


Active Member
I'd cut out the Volitan and Snowflake, if you really want a Dog Face.
And, as ThaNgBom said...a Harlequin will eat any type of cleanup crew, in the tank. The Dog Face will too.


Your saying to cut out a snowflake if you get a dogface? Not true, actually they are perfect tankmates as far as aggression goes.


The lion has to stay. The snowflake or some type of eel is next. then the tusk.
A sailfin and a blue tang then the puffer.
I plan to add the blue by itself then the sailfin then the lion then the eel those two could be swapped then the tusk then the puffer. The last two could be swapped as well. Depends on how long it takes to find a nice AHT. I was planning on spacing the tangs out by about 2 weeks then add the eel or the lion about a month after the sailfin then two weeks later which ever one i have left to get. The tusk and puffer would be added the same way. I do have a uv sterlizer as well. Also you can't see in the pics very well but the Rocks have a ton of caves and I wqas not planning on adding any cleanup crew but the one p shrimp will be lunch some day. As far as I know these fish will not eat the corals so they should be ok right??? thanks for info guys and what do you Think about this procedure???


I know this is not a good thing to follow but I do have a LFS with a 150 that has a zebra eel a sf eel a v lion a fuzzy dwarf lion, yello tang, clown trigger, HT, and a porcupine puffer. as well as some large black sea urchins and a big percula. I asked how the heck does the perc stay alive and they told me most likley just becuase of his bubble tip. This stock list is crazy high but they have this set up as display and do not intend on saling any of the fish. really pretty tank


NICE tank!!!!!! That's what mine is looking like in my head, when I finally go to upgrade. I like how open it looks and your rocks are so colorful!! Would you mind sending me a bigger picture for my own collection of tanks I like? cbpits "at" yahoo. com