New House, Room Dividing Pre-Planning


New Member
Ok, here I go again. I am building a new house and planning a room dividing 150-200 gal reef tank. Tank will separate family and dining room. Here is what I plan so far, comments and suggestions?
1. Custom built base by my carpenters, should I use PT lumbar? Height suggestions? Finish suggestions? Or commercial base?
2. Remote RO/DI in garage with line to tank from floor. Position?
3. Drain in floor below tank. Position?
4. 8 isolated GFI 20 amp isolated. APC surge, power protection.
5. Will tile below tank, rest of room will have hardware flooring. How far around tank would you tile?
One concern is fan and pump noise level of tank during movies etc...
The other is planning correctly so I do not have to retrofit.
I want to set it up right the first time, LOL :D
Thanks to all that reply. Mark


Active Member
Sounds Kewl!
I wuold tile out at least 3 ft. That will give you plenty of room for working around it.


I have a 125 in a wall between rooms and have no noise problems. I wish I would have went bigger though!!!!!!


Oh what a lucky person you are! I'd love to be able to design my dream house around a huge reef tank. If you're still at this stage, is it possible to not only put your RO in the garage but all the other "accessories" as well? Plumb you sump out there and do a closed loop circulation system with all the pumps in the garage and you certainly wouldn't have to worry about noise at all.
Just a thought that I wish I'd had when I designed my setup :mad:
Good luck,


New Member
Since I am in florida, the garage will be too hot for the sump and refug. I will be able to put the isolation tanks in the laundry room lol. My wife just doesn't know it yet.


Check out this thread from 12/18/2002. this was what I just completed in my house, search for this thread Here Are The Pics (hope This Works)


LOL Fish, I live in Florida too, I know what you mean but then again, I did say my *dream* house and if I could afford my dream house I'd budget an inline cooler for the tanks in there LOL
Good luck talking your wife into the concept of a washing machine/isolation tank! :D
Have fun,


New Member
WOW, now that's a tank. I will be looking at a 215 this week and checking dimensions.
Good luck, I will break ground on my new house when the plans are done in a couple weeks, I will add the plumbing and electrical needs to the plan as well.