new humu humu


i have wanted one of these for ever but have held off because i was worried it wouldn't get along with tankmates but today i finally did it! He is about 3 1/2 inches long and so far he's kept to himself but my 2 1/2 inch valentini puffer keeps striking at him and then he strikes back. I also have a rabbitfish and a couple of chromis. Do you think the humu will get along with them or will i have constant fighting?

noah's nemo

I've always wanted one also,they are very cool looking
.I just need to get my bigger tank set-up.What size is yours?(tank)


i want a 125 in my basement, but i can't seem to keep anything alive long enough to justify investing that much more money (and time) . Every time i think it's going good for a few months, i'll get brave and buy a tang and then all hell breaks lose! I'm gonna try to keep all hardy fish for a while and see where it takes me. I just got a new computer so i don't have any photo programs on it yet but hopefully in the future i will !

noah's nemo


Originally Posted by kev.1979
i want a 125 in my basement, but i can't seem to keep anything alive long enough
to justify investing that much more money (and time) . Every time i think it's going good for a few months, i'll get brave and buy a tang and then all hell breaks lose! I'm gonna try to keep all hardy fish for a while and see where it takes me. I just got a new computer so i don't have any photo programs on it yet but hopefully in the future i will !

Well that dose'nt sound good.Have you looked into what might be happening?You say you get a tang and all hell breaks loose
Like what?My latest addition was a flamehawk,and i love em,they are hardy,give em a look.


"Triggers are unpredictable. Hope all goes well"
+1 at the point being my niger trigger is the nicest thing in the tank, but im sure one day thats gonna change


Active Member
I had a Huma for over 5 years, he is the least aggressive fish I have ever owned I think (at least in my "aggressieve FO tanks). I never once saw him chase another fish.....That said I have heard of a 3 inch Huma being introduced and killing a 10 Lion in under 3 minutes.....As stated, with Triggers, you never know.


Triggers are territorial sorts of fish so sooner or later he will think that tank is his. Heaven help anything in it.


Active Member
Triggers and Puffers are like dogs and cats. They may not like each other but they usually seem to coexist well enough. Unless you got a super violent dog(er trigger). I wouldn't trust the Trigger with Chromis though, that sounds like a meal just waiting to happen :p


Active Member
if you just got it and its already defending itself against the toby just wait til it gets comfortable. sounds like its the biggest fish in your tank too. I wont say its not going to work but I wouldn't hold my breath. I really wouldn't expect the chromis to last long term (maybe not even short term).


i didn't qt at first but after the first ick breakout i have. I haven't had good luck with ick. even now i have had these fish for about 2 months and they still get ick and they are able to fight it off. The guy at the lfs told me he thought my alkalinity wasn't high enough and that was causing it but i checked it and it was 9.98. I'm really puzzled? Actually the rabbit fish is the biggest. Yesterday the puffer didn't like it when the humu would even come out in the open.