New indiana jones movie.


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Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
We saw it yesterday and I loved it . It was typical Indiana jones completely laughable movie with lots of action . You have to watch it expecting some super cheese movie . It's just a classic over the edge goofyness of Lucas/Speilburg. I think had it gone the same old route it wouldn't have fit as well . The time line fit fairly well . Harrison is older so they had to jump forward into the late 50's and what better thing to cheese on then the commies and alien invasions that were such a serious note back then . You have to just take this movie as its ment and it will be so much better . I could watch a few more indy movies with Ford in the lead . Its just good classic film.
Crash makes a really good point. with the aliens during the time frame that the movie was set in. I can handle the aliens, I mean, they did have the angel of death, and some wierd guy who could turn people into zombies then pull out the beating heart of a guy. So aliens were ok. I'm just dissapointed that he didn't say " it belongs in a museum." I'm not sure why the lady melted.


Active Member
I expect Indian Jones movies to be "out there." I thought it started very well with the nuclear testing site and I loved the warehouse scene. I made it a point to not watch any ads/commercials so the only thing I knew was the title of the movie and that Harrison Ford was in it. I went in with high expectations and the movie started very stong but went down hill. I was very disappointed. I just can't get past the aliens. I can suspend disbelief with the best of them but aliens... c'mon. I will not watch this one again... ever.


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Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I sincerely hope you're joking. Did you even see the scene where the car went over the waterfall and hit the tree? Those graphics were absolutely terrible. PIXAR cartoon movies have looked better. Also how cheap was that when they finally get to the third waterfall (the big one) they freaking use stock footage of Niagara Falls!

Or what about the opening scene in the airport hanger, where the camera is looking out of the hanger to Kate Blanchett's character? You could tell they just used a paper background!?!?
There is a difference between 'unrealistic' (a better term would be 'un-probable') and impossible. Every time Indy has swung on his trademark whip, they have shown at least him struggling/grunting, etc. But on this one, where Shia Labeouf swings on the vines like a 15lb monkey, that's impossible.
There has always been a difference between Spielberg and Lucas. Spielberg has always had real props/sets to make movies and that's made him what he is. Look at the previous Indy movies, and all the robotic work with Jaws and Jurassic Park or the props with E.T., Back to the Future, and all the real make-up work with Saving Private Ryan. Lucas got his stumpy fat little hand in there, and brainwashed Spielberg into letting Industrial Light & Magic do far too many scenes.
Well, you can't really say that all of the other Indy movies weren't like that too. Like who is really going to find the holy grail? And do you really think that it would be possible to stick your hand in someones chest and pull out their heart???? The graphics weren't that great in the other movies, so you can't really expect much from this one.


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Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
Well, you can't really say that all of the other Indy movies weren't like that too
. Like who is really going to find the holy grail? And do you really think that it would be possible to stick your hand in someones chest and pull out their heart????
Like what? In every other IJ movie, Indy was chased by a real rolling boulder. Not a CG special. In every other IJ movie, at least when Indy swung on his whip, it was a real person that was swinging. Not Ford on some platform surrounded by a greenscreen. No, on the heart, but at least there's grounds/mentioning of it in anicent martial arts culture. At least there's some literatures/facts/knowledge on the Holy Grail. Last time I checked, there's not much out there on 'aliens who level in the dimension between dimensions.'
Originally Posted by fishfreak1242

The graphics weren't that great in the other movies, so you can't really expect much from this one.
What? Because the previous movies were in the 80's, you shouldn't expect good graphics on a modern movie? That doesn't make any sense. They spent $200 million dollars, if they didn't have to build all those sets/props, you'd think they'd have very good CG. I mean, just look at Transformers, the graphics were awesome. Was that because Lucas didn't have his hand in that movie? Hmm.....


i go to every movie expecting it to be just that....a movie. Movies=not real. I thought yes the stuff was far fetched, but it was still a fun movie, and pretty funny as well.


I liked it. It wasn't the best one, but come one, HF is like 68 or something. I really liked what a crotchety old smart-butt he is in the film. Nice set-up too with the obvious legacy pass-off to the kid. Looking forward to more.
I do have to say, I saw it online. So, the GFX may suck, and I wouldn't know it, so my opinion is strictly based on story line, not visuals.


i JUST saw indiana jones, im real poor, and cant afford to like go see movies, so i have to go to this kiosk at the grocery store and they have the dvds of new releases, and you rent the movie for $1. so i JUST saw it, but you know what, i was so disappointed.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
And I can't believe they went where they did. I mean I'm used to mummies, ancient warriors and even sprits and what have you, but they went "a step above" that and I really didn't like it.
couldnt agree more


Active Member
Sheesh...old thread.
Suprisingly enough i just saw it a few weeks ago, I thought it was entertaining. To many people bash it because the alien thing is stupid, ironicly religion and alien theory's go hand in hand. so in that aspect i thought it was interesting.
FYI Shia la queef was not a good pick for this flick ........ transformers, (greatest movie ever) and disturbia was better suited for him.