new items to my 72 gal bow


Active Member
nice photos. cool to see that you have a domino damsel hosting an anemone. btw what kind of crab is that?


I like those 2 crabs shots. Does he hide in there all of the time or were you at the right place at the right time?


Originally Posted by feixjai
nice photos. cool to see that you have a domino damsel hosting an anemone. btw what kind of crab is that?
It is an anemone crab. He lives with the anemone hosting like the clownfish. I have to do some reading up on the crab.


Originally Posted by Madman33
I like those 2 crabs shots. Does he hide in there all of the time or were you at the right place at the right time?
The anemone is the crab's home. I don't know much about him, I haven't seen him off the anemone.