I get a call from the resteraunt, they ask me if i can work saturday, 12-5, as a host.. it comes as a shock to me because i'm a bus boy.. and i'm excited.. this weekend i'll get 8 hours of work instead of my usual 3
old post but.. i'm nto getting tips.. but honestly, i'm not gonna complain about it...lol.. more and more i'm getting called in to fill in for people.. i'm the top choice for a couple of hosts and a busser, which i almost reguraly fill in for.. i'm making a lot of money there too.... so i'm happy.. so are my fish
Originally posted by Beth
That is great. If you can do waiting there could be a good deal of money with tips. What kind of resturant is it?
family resteraunt
i did my best tonight.. got many a compliment. in the distance i hear jesus look at him..( iwa sbriskly walking loaded w/ cups dishes etc.
my goal is to completely bus a table in one trip.. cutting tiem down, withough sacrificing quality, i try to get to all teh tables before a wait/er/ress can get there
oh yeah, and after i got off tonight, i was waiting for my mom.. and a table left.. so what i did was i went and bussed it. and myboss said, you're done you don't haev to keepw orking, and i said i know...
Fishman, congrats on your job! Keep that attitude up and carry it forward in your life and you will be very successful. The world needs a lot more people like you.
Originally posted by Fishman830
oh yeah, and after i got off tonight, i was waiting for my mom.. and a table left.. so what i did was i went and bussed it. and myboss said, you're done you don't haev to keepw orking, and i said i know...
dude you sound just like me...I do the same stuff. I guess its workaholism.....How old are you?
I would suggest staying with that restaraunt until you are able to wait tables....they will put you right on the floor and you will know alot about it.
very good work ethics, it is soooo hard to find good help these days, trust me practically my entire family has their own business of one kind or another and finding good help really sucks.
keep up the good work, it will definatly pay off!
i wouldn't say it's workahalism..i'm trying to get more hours.. and perhaps a raise.. that'd be pretty cool.. and i figure.. if i'm there, i may as well do my best, i'm 14
and i'm catching up w/ the "master busser" this kid is INSANE but i think i'm right up ther with him.. there's this other busser.. goooooood god, never seen a lazier SOB.. busiest part of the night.. and he's taking his sweet old time.., that was when i was hosting, so i ended up bussing for like half the night
much to my happiness.. i just got called from the master busser.. and he asked me if i could fill in for him tommarow!! i'm allready working tonight, hosting.. and sunday, my regular day i'm bussing.. this weekend can't get better.. on top of fishing on monday