New Juv. Starry Trigger (Abalistes stellatus)

norm r

I had one of these briefly. Very cool fish w/ interesting mannerisms. Mine became extremely aggressive and methodically killed several fish (all of which were aggressive themselves). Hopefully you have better success.


Hi Northern!
Nice choice! Mind sharing the rest of your information? What other triggers do you have? What sizes? How many and which ones are housed together?
I love triggers too! I've got 5 juveniles in a 180 FO. I've also got a "V" tang and a bird wrasse in there. (I really should look up and memorize the "V" tang's name! <smile>)
I'm looking at a 100 gallon tank, available used here in San Diego, as an additional tank to house a couple of these when they begin to outgrow their current home.
My triggers: Humahuma, Niger, Assai, Undulated and Clown. All's well so far. Actually, my tang is proving to be the most aggressive.
Thank you everyone:
I have a 3" male bluejaw trigger in a 65G reef with a dragon goby, asst. snails-crabs, sps, lps, and softies. 3" female red sea undulate trigger in a 75 G FOWLR by herself. 4" picasso trigger, 4" white-tail trigger, 3" niger trigger, and a 5" clown trigger in a 120 G FOWLR. 4" assasi trigger, 2" titan trigger, fuzzy dwarf lion, and a dwarf lion in a 75 G FOWLR. 7" titan trigger, and a 7" clown trigger in a 170 G FOWLR. .5-1" juv. starry trigger in a 10 G qt.


WOW! 5 Tanks! I hope they're all plumbed together! <smile> That's a lot to keep up with! <smile> Thanks for the info. It helps to hear how others deal with these guys. Is your 170 max'd out with the 2 large triggers? I was hoping to keep 3 in my 180 and 2 in another large tank once they have grown some.
I have nine independent tanks running. Triggers are an interesting animal. They seem to be so intelligent that they have mood swings which range from belligerent to docile. The 170 is definitely fully stocked with the two large triggers. I have a tenecor 96X36X36 on the way for my titan and clown to grow out. If my titan is not happier in the 460 I will no longer add any new triggers to my collection.


Hi Northern!
You've almost got them all already, don't you? <SMILE> The only trigger I see missing is the Queen? (Is the blue line the same as the undulate?) Hope you don't mind if I use you as a reference as mine grow. Thanks for giving me something to aspire to! <smile> I have aspirations and my husband is already ready to kill me! LOL!
the undulate(Balistapus undulates) and blueline(Pseudobalistes fuscus) are two seperate triggers. there's actually over thirty different triggers. I have a list of all of the triggers that I have been able to find on the net.
1.Starry triggerfish, Abalistes stellatus:D
2.Undulate triggerfish, Balistapus undulates:D
3.Gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus
4.Bluespotted triggerfish, Balistes forcipitus
5.Finescale triggerfish, Balistes polylepis
6.Queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula
7.Clown triggerfish, Balistoides conspicillum:D
8.Titan triggerfish, Balistoides viridescens:D
9.Rough triggerfish, Canthidermis maculates
10.Ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen
11.Indian triggerfish, Melichthys indicus
12.Black Durgeon triggerfish, Melichthys niger
13.Pink-tail triggerfish, Melichthys vidua
14.Niger triggerfish, Odonus niger:D
15.Yellow-faced triggerfish, Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus
16.Blue-and-Gold triggerfish, Pseudobalistes fuscus
17.Blunthead triggerfish, Pseudobalistes naufragium
18.Huma Huma triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus:D
19.Assasi triggerfish, Rhinecanthus assasi:D
20.Lunula Trigger, Rhinecanthus lunula
21.Rectangular triggerfish, Rhinecanthus rectangulus
22.Black-Patch triggerfish, Rhinecanthus verrucosus
23.Whitetail triggerfish, Sufflamen albicaudatum:D
24.Half-moon triggerfish, Sufflamen albicaudatus
25.Bursa triggerfish, Sufflamen bursa
26.Bridle triggerfish, Sufflamen fraenatum
27.Blue-throated triggerfish, Xanthichthys auromarginatus:D
28.Blue-lined triggerfish, Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus
29.Striped triggerfish, Xanthicthys lineopunctatus
30.Crosshatch triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento
31.Outrigger triggerfish, Xanthichthys punctatus
32.Sargassum triggerfish, Xanthichthys ringens
I have seen all but 7 of them.


New Member
You need to add
Orangesided Triggerfish Sufflame verres
Large Scale Triggerfish Canthidermis macrolepis
Deepwater Triggerfish Rhinecanthus abyssus
Stricklands Triggerfish Rhinecanthus cinereus
Also just to note:
Bluespotted Triggerfish Balistes forcipitus has been changed to
Balistes punctatus,
And the outrigger triggerfish is now know to be the juv version of the Blue-lined triggerfish, Xanthichthys caeruleolineatus just to let you know.


Wow! Thanks! I've been looking for a comprehensive list!!! Thanks guys! Gotta go find out what my faux "assai" really is!