New Light??

I am about to buy a new light for my 65 gallon Tall tank.
I want to purchase a "Nova Extreme T-5 Fixtures w/ 3 Lunar Lights" fixture.
Does anyone have any comments about this light, or have any other suggestions.
Please let me know.


Active Member
It all depends on what you want to keep under it.
I have the 48" Nova Extreme (4x54w) on a 55g and I am able to keep LPS and Softies under it. They are doing very well.
Things to consider... The Nova Extreme provides a very good cost benefit but they are no where the best T-5 fixture available. For more $$$ you can buy individual reflector T-5 lights that would be better. Tek and Aquanitics are two of the more expensive (better) T-5 fixtures.
Originally Posted by jpc763
It all depends on what you want to keep under it.
I have the 48" Nova Extreme (4x54w) on a 55g and I am able to keep LPS and Softies under it. They are doing very well.
Things to consider... The Nova Extreme provides a very good cost benefit but they are no where the best T-5 fixture available. For more $$$ you can buy individual reflector T-5 lights that would be better. Tek and Aquanitics are two of the more expensive (better) T-5 fixtures.
I dont want to go crazy, money is an issue. Is the Nova good for the price?


Active Member
Like jpc said, 65 tall is deep, so t-5s are Great light, but wont get enough pentration for the depth you will have, but if you want your corals, that need more light, to stay toward the top of the tank, then it would be ok, but they are a great light, and if you just want softies your good to go!


Active Member
I have 2 -150 hqi mh on my 70 gallon and its pretty good for light but i want more on it so its all up to what u want to keep in the tank.