new lighting/algae problem


need some advice, i recently upgraged my lighting from 260w pc to 500mh + 192w pc. i am running the new lights(actinics) from 3-11 pm & the halides from 4-10pm. i started getting what looked like popcorn butter,yellow color on the rocks. now most of my live rock is getting a green tint to it. i obviously now need to cut my lighting back,but how much? i have some lps in the tank. also should or can i scrub the rocks some to get the green off?


Active Member
What are your water parameters? You just made a gigantic increase in light which will allow the algae to take advantage of any excess neutrients in the water.
Did you acclimate the tank to the increase in lighting? I would have started with a couple hours of halides a day and leave the actinics where they are. That would be more to not shock your poor corals than to prevent algae.
Good luck


thanks reef,ive cut my lighting back to actinics on for 6 hours and the halides to 4 hrs a day,im noticing the rocks clearing already. my parameters have been excellent, temp is 80.6, sg 1.025, calcium 465, alk 9, only a trace of nitrates but my kit(fastest-junk) always reads a trace.