New lighting over my reef

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
thanks guys!
the XMs are really bright, but they are VERY yellow/ without those VHOs it would look terrible,lol, in my opinion...i think it is a bit yellow still, but i may need to just get used to it still.
I have the exact same lighting (2-10k XM 175 watt MH & 2-110 watt VHO Super Actinics)......

Without the VHOs it would be horrible and like you said it is still a bit yellow, but I have gotten used to it. My tank has never looked this bright and I have been getting INSANE growth out of my SPS.


Active Member
Looking good bronco! That one you aren't sure about looks like a frag of maze brain coral, Platygyra maybe.


Active Member
thanks wax....i wondered what exactly what it is, figured something like that, but my guess would have been just as good as a used to look a lot hopefully its doing ok


Active Member
Now that a few days have past with the new light set up. Are you liking the new lighting? Or is it still to bright? :thinking:


Active Member
i love it, i LOVE having actinic lights...seeing those neons POP out like crazy which the MH are off...its a tad yellow, but i am getting used to it, i think it makes most of the corals look nice!