new lighting..?


I was gonna get some basic fluorescent lighting for my 90 gal. reef (only 80 watts),But now i relized i need something more so i am thinking of getting the coralife Aqualight Dual Linear Strip(260 watts).Is this enofe for soft corls?What corals can i not have with this set up???


My advise with PCs is, make sure you leave enough room to add Halides later. PCs are good starters but if you ever get the urge to have light intensive creatures, you'll need halides. I started with a Jalli 4x55 strip, have since added two DE HQI 150's and now my lights are complete (for my 55 tank)


If you get the Aqualight, you may look a little awkward and have trouble later on if you decide to go with MH. The Aqualight isn't small and I cannot imagine how you can put MH right above that. So go with MH straight would be my suggestion.


New Member
Power Compacts are good but they don't have the PAR or penetrating value that halide have. For the money you will spend for that light I suggest you get a nice fixture of dual halides which usually come with something else like T5 or PC in the fixture as well so you can get the spice of life. A person I talked with told me that he bought a smaller jalli fixture to save money. For example 36" instead of 48" and so on. Then he hung it from the ceiling and raised it so the light covered the area of his tank better. He had no heat issues cause the light was slightly higher then normal, plus on my jalli most the heat comes from the ballasts which I put off to the side a simple wall hung clip fan evacuates any left over heat from the light itself plus it comes with an internal fan as well. Anyhow he put the low light corals on the sides and higher under the duel lighting section in the middle. It looked good because the jalli fixtures look very nice to start off with. Hint, Hint, Hint If you do a search you may find a * 48" Jalli fixture 150 watt * dual DE, HQI, 2 T5 for sale and I mean really good sale. It would have been ideal if it were the DE 250 watt but I’m sure the price would have been higher anyways. I tell you I wish I could of gone back 7 years and bought the 72 gallon bow see what happens when you don't follow your heart's desire Next Step when I graduate Think Big.


New Member
Sorry guys it seems the special ended because they sold out a couple of days ago. They were only $ 450. I paid more for my 36" but I still have no complaints If you locate the site call them up and ask. they are like the only ones that even carry jalli online.


Active Member

Originally posted by ChiliDog
I was gonna get some basic fluorescent lighting for my 90 gal. reef (only 80 watts),But now i relized i need something more so i am thinking of getting the coralife Aqualight Dual Linear Strip(260 watts).Is this enofe for soft corls?What corals can i not have with this set up???

I have to agree with some others posts here, 260 is no where near enough for a reef of 90 gal. To give you some idea I have a hm and 60wts of actinic light on a 50gal tank