New Lights And Skimmer, Need Help!!!

cats eye

Sorry for so sounding so crazy, hehehe. But I have a really important question to ask you guys. Okay, I have a 75 gallon tank and some zoos, two mushrooms, a sally light foot, a red leg hermit, a mexican turbo, a yellow tang, a royal gramma, a lizard blenny and a clown. So my qustion is, what are the best lights I could get and the best protein skimmer. I am willing to spend 100$ on a protien skimmer and like 300 to 400 for lights. What do ya think?


Active Member
will you go ' further' into corals later on?? if so.. i say get vho's... as for a nice cheap skimmer.. go to the autchion site and buy a jebo.. the biggest one they have.. ( think the the 400 or 450 gal one ) it will work good enough for what you need.. it just requir a sump thats all..

cats eye

Yes I plan on getting as much coral as possibloe. What are Vho's and how much do they cost? What about a prizm skimmer, I hear alot about that?


Active Member
IMO go for the MH lights can find really cheap retro-fit kits on that famous auction site.
But, I suggest you do alot of research about lighting, because there are pros and cons to everything.