new lights are here!!


I got my new lights yesterday, 220w VHO's. Is there a acclimation period I need to use for them? I had 110w PC on for 11 hrs a day, should I leave the VHO's on for about 4 hours the first few days and extend from there?
Also, when I build my hood, where should I put the balast, above the water or below? Where are your balasts located?

nm reef

Active Member

Originally posted by nurjrk
I got my new lights yesterday, 220w VHO's. Is there a acclimation period I need to use for them? I had 110w PC on for 11 hrs a day, should I leave the VHO's on for about 4 hours the first few days and extend from there?
Also, when I build my hood, where should I put the balast, above the water or below? Where are your balasts located?

I would definitely cut back the photo period after the new lights are installed...maybe not as drastically as you mentioned...but I would reduce the period by half at least then increase it gradually over a few weeks.
I place my ballasts remote in the room directly behind my display which is not always an available option. But I would place them where they are not likely to get wet and where the heat they generate can not become a problem.
Good luck with your new lighting...:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Possibly...if heat is an issue. But I run 4x65 10k PC's and 2x110 VHO's in a custom canopy over a 55 gal reef and heat has never been an issue. So I've never considered a fan. But I'll soon have a larger display (110) with 2x400 MH's and 4x110 VHO's...and on that canopy I intend to install 3 small fans...two pulling air in and one for exhaust. So the need for a fan would be dependant on the heat generated I'd say.