New lights equal hair algae?



I have had a 75 gallon running for about 3 months now, the first 2 months i had no algae what so ever, the lights i had on this system was 160watts of PC. For christmas i got a new lighting system that consists of 2 - 150 watt metal halides and 2 96 watt antic pc. I finally have many watts per gallon that i was looking for. Well i have been aclimating my new lights by slowing increasing the photo period of the halides. The first week it was 4 and i increased an hour a week. I am up to 6 hours now. I am having my first algae out break now, i guess it is because of the lights. my readings are great,
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Cal - a little low at 360
Ph 8.4
Salinity 1.024-25
Is the algae just because of my new lights? I have a aqua c remora and 24x water flow. There is also a HOB refugium. I am switching to a sump/refugium in the next week or so. I top off with RO/DI water, use Reef crystal salts. Is this just a phase of my tank getting used to the new lights? Is there anything i should do to combat this? Thanks for the help guys!


Active Member
I think your algea found it's 'sweet spot' of nutrition plus light. Algea needs a food source and light. My guess is it had the food and your new lighting brought the two requirements together.
I'd look for a source of your 'food' and add some clean up crew.
Good Luck!


Most algae doesn't like water flow. Do you have any powerheads or any other means of water circulation? Check out your feeding habits also. Algae loves it when you over feed.


Active Member
You'll want to test for phosphates too. But at the same time, the fact that you have algae growing shows you that you have phosphates and/or nitrates, no matter what your test says. They can consume the nutrients before you test for them sometimes.


I feed everyother day, the guys at the lfs said i might get an algae outbreak because of such an increase in wattage and lighting. What would you reccomend for a clean up crew? Right now i have 4 nassirus snails, 5 astrea's, 4 red legged hermits, 2 emerald crabs, 3 peperment shrimp and 1 cleaner shrimp. I feed every other day. My nitrates were readying 0 before i had hair algae so i do no think it is that. I have 25x turn over so it is not a lack of powerheads or ciculation. I bought a phosphate test at lunch. I do weekly 5 gallon water changes and top off with RO/DI water. Any other suggestions? I think it is probably a phase and my tank is maturing. The LFS guys said not to worry, just make sure it does not get out of hand and eventually it will eat all the nutrients out of the water and it will dissapear.


Active Member
If you can find a couple (2) mexican turbo snails I would add them. No more than 2 though. They're great algea eaters but will starve if they don't have enough to eat.
Of course, that just cleans up the look. Still have the source to deal with.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Personally, I would add about 15-20 nassarius snails, if not a few more. I also like cerith snails and I would add 5-10 of those. You could add hermits too/instead, I just prefer snails.
A little algae is fairly normal, especially this early. But you do want to be careful not to let it get out of hand. It can take over very fast.
I would increase the water change to about 10 gallons per week.


i measured P03 last night as well. Well there was none, .2 and below. I am going to pick up some snails tonight at the lfs. I still think it is my new lights burning off excess organics that are remaning from the cycle. i don't know what else it would be.


OK i tested my RO/DI water that i get from the LFS, guess what, it tested for 5ppm of Nitrate. I couldn't believe it. Even though my tank has been readying 0ppm for awhile it defintly does not help that i have been toping off with water that has nitrate in it. Well time to let the lfs know that they need to change their filters.