new lights mh or pc


going to get new lights for my 125 reef, and can't make up my mind on what to get. the tank has 2 250 mh and 260 pc now and just don't as well as when i had the 260 pc over 75g. i like shrooms and leather and polups. they just haven't spread in the last year with lights that i have now! any ideas on what to change to?125 gal reef with (250 lbs. LR)(200 lbs LS)
55 gal refuge
I have looked at one light that has 784watts of pc, and the other one has has 3-250 hqi and 384 of pc
This is what i have now
260 20k PC lighting and 2-250 15k xm MH lights.
4 - firefish
1 - scooter blenny
1 - lawn mower blenny
1 - seabae clown
1 - mandarin
1 - yellow tang
1 - engineer golby
2 - pajama cardinal
1 – yellow jawfish
1 – royal dotty
1 – purple queen anthias
1- blue eye anthias
1- koran angle
1- naso tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by signman
thank you for your reply but i just was looking for idea on what lights that will get.
A for effort anyhow.
I would choose the 3-250 hqi and 384 of pc. best of both worlds the higher Par rating of the HQI over straight PC and the sought after "ripple lighting" effect that you just dont get from straight PC while still gettign the Blue ambiance of PC actinic. But thats kind of a personal preferance in my case


Why don't you like your current lighting? Seems very good to me. Also, what are you going to do with yoru old MH lights? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
10k on MH, 50/50 on PC.
isn't 15k preferred over 10k? or is the 10k sufficient due to teh pc lighting as well


Active Member
I would be weary of shocking your corals with the new MH lights if thats the route you are taking. If you want your corals to spread keep the water quality good. You said you mostly have leathers, polyps, shrooms, if that is what you are sticking with you don't need tons of light=high electric bill :thinking: Just a thought........ Also if you do go with the new MH lights I prefer a bluer tint to the water so I went with 20k but for sheer light output and growth I would probably go with 10k


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
isn't 15k preferred over 10k? or is the 10k sufficient due to teh pc lighting as well
15k will be a mix of blue and white. if hes running 50/50 pc which is actinic, he might as well go with 10k MH bulbs and get the growth benefits from that.