new lights what is a good aneminie/coral to start off with?


could anyone offer advice regarding a good first coral/aneminie I have a 90 and have finally gotten lights 2 175 hallogens and 2 4 ft strip actinic bulbs I'd really apreciate any suggestions oh also I have 2 clowns and would love to give them an aneminie to play / live in? thanks
:happyfish :D


Active Member
How long has your tank been setup? Anemones need really stable water conditions, so you tank should be setup for 6+ months after the cycle to let the water stabalize.
A good and easy first coral would be zoos or mushrooms.


this is the beginning of the 6 th month would you advise waiiting a little longer? your input is so valuble to be thank you!

shawna :happy:


reefer may I print it out to take with me to the fish place ? it would only be for my use but I wouldn't want to unlesss it was ok with you thanks a million!! shawna
:jumping: :jumping: :cheer:


175 W hallogens?
I assume you're actually meaning Metal Halides?
If so - pretty much any coral can be kept in your 90. That's the same lighting I have and have successfully kept acros in the top 1/3 of the tank and a maxima in the top 1/2. I also have a few montis near the bottom and LPS all over.
As said - stay away from anemones alltogether - they're just not really fit for home aquaria, regardless of the "success" people have with them.


well like most ppl you probaly just "have to have" an i find it useless to say no.....i would just wait and tune your skills with corals before you go with an anenome......cause they can prosper if givin good conditions


thanks for the info. I guess I've got headlights on the brain (have to change 1) any way I do thank you for the input i think I'll drive down and pick up the lights today ... they rae used and I know I should change the bulbs out but is there any other danger to using used supplies? oh and do I need to have a nite lite blue(wrong name) for the creatures for moon light affect? my friend keeps telling me yes t `he's a practicaljoker and I'm a bit gullable I'm afraid


sorry didn't see second post what kind of coral will my clowns like to start off with
yep I think I have the whole nemo facination!:happyfish :happyfish


i wouldn't suggest getting a coral for them...they seem to harrase them intill they die.....
first off a few questions:
How much LR is there in your tank?
How deep is your sand bed?
Do you seem to have an algae problem?
What do you test for and what are the parameters?
Do you dose calcium?
Do you have coralline algae (pink, red, purple hard algae?
If i am correck you have 2 175w metal halide over a 90g?
How deep is your tank?
is this your first tank?


reefer sorry so long to respond I had an emergency and had to run to work I hope I answer all that you have asked in the following
1. Lr 135 lbs
1/2 crushed coral+1/2 sand at least 2 in closer to 33 some places 4 inches where my power head sweeps it to
algae do have about 50% coraline algae no red or slime or other probloms lots of feather dusters and tiny ones every where (don't know if that is a good sign but I'm a gonna hope so!
nitrate 20-30
nitrite 0
ph 8.2
amonia 0
calcium 440
saqlinity 21% sometimes have gradually lowered to 20 %
and by no means least, temp
would you recomend any other tests that I should be doing?
Ive read alot and read alot of foroums as well and find a whole plethera of conflicts with in this field IE;dsb vs ds
ith 50 % gravel to be siphoned and replaced preiodicly vs just crushed coralcanister vs sump vs wet-dry filtration the list goes on and on so any input is so apreciated
yes I suplament with (forgive spelling ) stronium, calcium,corallife
the blue actinnic 48 inch bulbs X2 as well as 175 watt metal hallide (not hallogens) x2
my tank is a standard 90 oceanic rectangle tank 4 ft long I believe 18 inches deep and I think 24 inches deep but I am afraid to say for sure width and depth as my hubby has hid the tools (for fear I'll try to do anything around the
yes this is my first salt water tank and I have had the tank for 10 + years as a fresh water tank just got tired of grey and black and white fish I have a protien skimmer heater on at all times although I am sure I'll have to lower it with these new lights 3 power heads to circulate the water (1200 I think each and a fluval filter the tank has only bien up for just shy of a full 1/2 year 5 months and 3 weeks we believe inclusive of cycle ]
now to make things worse if I shouldn't have the star pollyps yet it is too late as I told hubby I was thinking about getting some and coresponding with you all as well as a few friends with succusful tanks aas usual testosterone got flowing and now thereare pollyps floating around acclimating
even worse I was re aranging the rocks and trying to make a more stable structure and now I have opaque water and not through the water change yet!
I really hope the poor things survive men!
(ot you brad)I do apreciate that you have taken an intrest in the welfare of my critters
and thanks so much for all of your help



sound like you are off to a good start.......the star polyps should do fine in your tank for now......i don't recommend moving your rock again though because that can shift some parameters around and the tank never gets really mature......your sand sounds like it is a good depth and you shouldn't have a problem with it......i suggest taking the fluvel out though.....your nitrates are a little high but this might because of the fluvel which can become a nitrate trap.....but your dsb should take care of that in a a few months (as long as you don't move the sand your dsb should get established within a month or 2)
keep me posted on how the star polyps are doing (they might not open the first few days don't worry they probly aren't dead)..........if they do good for a month or so i would pick up a leather coral and maybe some xenia.....then if they are doing fine for a month or two or three months you can get an anenome (i recommend bubble tip) and then you should be ready for anything other than sps corals.......
any questions about your setup and/or your new coral i would be happy to answer.........
oh and your lights are good (have the same setup over my 55g which is 48" long by 18" deep and 12 inches wide)


brad thanks again is there anything that I should add or test for I guess this hobie is like nursing I've done it my whole life but may never stop learning :D
oh anmd the critters lived ...... all of them!!!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


i think you are testing for everthing that you need to......if you add LPS though you may need to dose calcium....good to hear all your stuff survived!!!


brad is ther any thing I can feed a manderine besides copapods I am keeping him in the hospital his color is poor and i see little copapod action on the live rock although the big tank is showing signs of them he pecks at the rock but I see little there for him to eat in the quarrintine tank there is still about 5-10 lbs of lr in there before trying to rearange the rocks I saw sevral now I was their hurricane shawna and they all are hiding any good thoughts? that live fish place near me said that I would be fine and If I haden't caused a sand storm all might have bien good for him now I'm a litttle worried.
I will be on the ward for another 18 hour shift tomorow so friday would be the soonest to get him anything but I'll be running to lancaster to a huge pet store and they have everything I could hope for for all the pets in our home ( he was not in the sand storm) well guess i better get to bed or I'll be giving the pretty lil

out like tic tacs! just kidding :sleepy: thanks again a million times over!