new lights


going from 160watt n.o.power to two i.c. 660's. 3 5'140's,1 4'110and 3'95,total w's 625. any suggestions on incorperating new wattage, i'm sure u can't go from 160 to 625 overnight. will i have an alge breakout?what can i expect? any suggestions bulb set up. wood appreciate info from anyone who has done what i am going to do. thanks dave


slowly upgrade, what do you have in the tank? you will get Diatoms and a big outbreak for the first week or two.



Originally posted by saltydave
going from 160watt n.o.power to two i.c. 660's. 3 5'140's,1 4'110and 3'95,total w's 625. any suggestions on incorperating new wattage, i'm sure u can't go from 160 to 625 overnight. will i have an alge breakout?what can i expect? any suggestions bulb set up. wood appreciate info from anyone who has done what i am going to do. thanks dave

my tank is a 140gal. 10olbs.+ live sand,150lbs.+lr. 6 pearly jawfish, purple tang, gold bar maroon clown 2 yellow tail damsels(out asap), mandarin, coral beauty, 4 pedersons cleaner shrimp, skunk sleaner shrimp, gold coral banded shrimp. 5 big turbo snails, 5 -10 blue leg hermit. will be buying a new clean up crew in 2 wks,(mostly sand sifters).


I have been seeing this, OUT SOON, Damsels Bad stuff since I started reading about Saltwater Fish Tanks. I am sorry, but I have had two Yellow Tail Damsels in my tank since I first added fish. They were the first two after my tank cycled...
They get along fine with all the other fish now, they are not overly aggressive, yes they do have their territory staked out, and so sometimes chase another fish... but nothing violent, no harm to anyone else and for the most part get along just fine. It has been almost 8 months now, and I think they are very beautiful fish, and make my tank much better for their color and behavior... Maybe I am just lucky, but I would not be able to come up with one single reason to get rid of them ....



Originally posted by DaveB
I have been seeing this, OUT SOON, Damsels Bad stuff since I started reading about Saltwater Fish Tanks. I am sorry, but I have had two Yellow Tail Damsels in my tank since I first added fish. They were the first two after my tank cycled...
They get along fine with all the other fish now, they are not overly aggressive, yes they do have their territory staked out, and so sometimes chase another fish... but nothing violent, no harm to anyone else and for the most part get along just fine. It has been almost 8 months now, and I think they are very beautiful fish, and make my tank much better for their color and behavior... Maybe I am just lucky, but I would not be able to come up with one single reason to get rid of them ....

although they have great colar (electric blue) one of mine is mean as hell and very territorial,the other is getting there as well. imo ther ae much more peaceful and vividly colared fish i wood rather have. everyone has thier own tastes.