new lights


I just bought the marineland t-5 fixture with 4 t-5's bulbs in it
i upgraded from pc's
My tank is a 55 gal and has a depth of 16 in from the sand with about 66 lbs of lr.
Could i get sps corals?
Could i put them any where or just at the top if i can get any.


Active Member
sps is very picky about the amount of light it needs I would play with it. Start with them on the top and work your way down. Also sps requires alot more then just light to be happy keep that in mind


Active Member
sps requires alot more then just light to be happy keep that in mind

that is the truth
maybe a monti cap or digita at the top and work from there but remember to have your water quality and flow taken care of before you get the sps


I only have one 1200 maxijet ph and the emperor 400. I would have two ph's, but i have a cowfish. i know a 55 is a little small for him, but he has trouble swimming around with one ph. Also the ph is in the middle of the tank so the flow spreads out more.


so what could i do about current? :notsure:
since sps corals need a lot of it
p.s. i'm am not removing my cow

aztec reef

Active Member
you want at least a 15x turnover per hour of tank water, imo sps require a lot of motion, without this the coral will suffocate or starve, you can never have to much current for sps (indirect motion) volume and alternating moflows are both important..


i don't think i am going to get rid of my cow. he is awesome!
i could maybe get the deflector or i could just get a couple of sps's and put them where there is a lot of current
thanks for the advice too