NEw Lionfish... NEED HELP!


Hey All
So, last night I decided to make a snap decision and I purchased a 3 inch Volitan Lionfish. My tank is new, but he was a beautiful specimen, so I just went for it. He just came into the store and had eaten a small live feederfish...
The problem is this. I live about 2 hours away from my LFS, and I am trying to get him to eat silversides. (I heard they LOVE these!) I made a feeding stick out of aluminum and attached a small (3/4 inch) whole silverside to it, but he seems scared of it! What should I do to get him to eat? How long before he becomes comfortable in the tank and gets an appetite? When should I panic?
Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
No need to panic... these guys can easily go a week or two without eating and with no ill effects. You need to teach the lion to eat frozen food. There are several different methods but here was mine. I would take a thawed silverside and hold it by the tail. My hand would be just out of the water but the silverside would be dangled just below the water surface. You can wiggle the silverside a bit to attract the lion even more. He will likely show interest right away but it may take a few tries for him to go for it. After it eats that way a couple times then you can just drop the silverside in the tank and he'll likely go after them. Good luck.

crypt keeper

Active Member
any pictures? Most animals are stressed out. You put it in a bag for a 2 hour bumpy ride. Its probably still wondering what just happened to me. Give it time. Most fish dont eat right away. If it ate before you bought then its obviously not starving. Give it a day or two.


I used to feed mine the frozen shrimp from the stores (thaw in water) stick on wooden kabob stick and he would chase all around tank.........and gulp


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
any pictures? Most animals are stressed out. You put it in a bag for a 2 hour bumpy ride. Its probably still wondering what just happened to me. Give it time. Most fish dont eat right away. If it ate before you bought then its obviously not starving. Give it a day or two.
That makes sense... He had a bumpy ride out here, so it is probably just stress. Although I am very happy with his progress so far. He is swimming around at a leisurely pace ans seems healthy.
I will post pics tonight of my tank and the new Volitan. (Although I am new at aquarium photography so not sure how good they will be...)


Active Member
Its way too early to be concerned. If he just ate at the store, its too early to feed him anyhow. IMO, 3X weekly is about the right feeding schedule for most lions. Some Volitans can be tough to wean off live food and you may need to use ghost shrimp (last resort, not yet); but they are the easiest lions to wean. (IME&IMO) BTW, Volitans will often go on hunger strikes that can last a week or more, even after years in captivity; so don't let that panic you when it happens. Also, this will be the fastest growing fish you'll ever own. Going from 3" to 10" in 6 months is not uncommon.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by FishLawyer
That makes sense... He had a bumpy ride out here, so it is probably just stress. Although I am very happy with his progress so far. He is swimming around at a leisurely pace ans seems healthy.
I will post pics tonight of my tank and the new Volitan. (Although I am new at aquarium photography so not sure how good they will be...)
People are funny. They get home and first thing they do is try and feed and freak out. Think about it like this. You went to an amusement park. You just rode a badass roller coaster. Is food on your mind right after or do you wait a little?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
People are funny. They get home and first thing they do is try and feed and freak out. Think about it like this. You went to an amusement park. You just rode a badass roller coaster. Is food on your mind right after or do you wait a little?
That is too true. I think people have a hard time putting ourselves in the place of our pets. They must be terrified after such a move. I am going to leave the lights off in my office for Sunday and try again on Monday morning.


Active Member
If the lion was only fed live feeders, it may take awhile to wean it to frozen foods but be patient and don't give in to the temptation to feed it goldfish or other freshwater feeders. Offer it small pieces of scallop, table shrimp with the shell on, boneless whitefish, clam, octo, squid, silversides. If you can simulate live food with your feeder stick, that may entice it to eat. Most will convert rather quickly, as srfisher stated. Here are my two looking for a handout. They are in the 9-10 inch range, and eat three times a week. Give them enough just to se a slight bulge in the abdomen. Don't overfeed. This is one of the main causes for health problems and premature death in these fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I was at a LFS and they had two large V lions. They were pointed straight looking into the air. They would swim a little. Then start to point up again. I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing it then as well. Do they normally do this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I was at a LFS and they had two large V lions. They were pointed straight looking into the air. They would swim a little. Then start to point up again. I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing it then as well. Do they normally do this?

It's not uncommon. I've seen mine, bellys against the glass facing the bottom of the tank, upside down under a rock overhang or wedged in a corner by a powerhead, when they're not out actively swimming.


Active Member
My volitan LOVES table shrimp. We had kabobs tonight and he was so high up in the water his eyeballs were out. But the books say not to thaw in water... and I'm not sure why one would be inclined to do so. I take out a little mix of stuff in the morning and thaw it in the fridge throughout the day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
I was at a LFS and they had two large V lions. They were pointed straight looking into the air. They would swim a little. Then start to point up again. I was there a few weeks ago and they were doing it then as well. Do they normally do this?
It sounds like they've just learned to look for food when people approach. Mine always do this.


I tried today and while he looked at it a lot, he wouldn't go for it... I don't have any special garlic dip or anything, but would a little garlic powder help him go for it?
My LFS suggested with finnicky eaters to use 20lb test or higher clear fishing string. poke it through the silver side or shrimp and dangle it in tank like a fishing stick to be scared of and imitates live food..FOOD 4 THOUGHT lol,


Originally Posted by FalsePercula26
My LFS suggested with finnicky eaters to use 20lb test or higher clear fishing string. poke it through the silver side or shrimp and dangle it in tank like a fishing stick to be scared of and imitates live food..FOOD 4 THOUGHT lol,
I will try tomorrow morning and advise as to whether it works..


Active Member
here's one of mine, about 14" now they spit water at me when I open the tank lid. They are great fish, even though they really limit the other fish you can have, both small and large. I wouldn't be without one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
here's one of mine, about 14" now they spit water at me when I open the tank lid. They are great fish, even though they really limit the other fish you can have, both small and large. I wouldn't be without one.
Beautiful fish...I wouldn't be without one either.