NEw Lionfish... NEED HELP!


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Beautiful fish...I wouldn't be without one either.
Thanks, now If I could get my tusk to grow I would be happy, I have had him for 2 years and he has been at about 6.5" for the last year. He eats like a pig, and is nice and thick, but doesn't seem to be growing much lately.


Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
any updates on your lion? has he eaten? any pics?
Hey All
My lionfish ate today! (A whole large silverside.) I used a little piece of 4 lb test fishing line and just gingerly thread it through. He went right for it!
HE LOVED IT! And I am relieved he has eaten.
Thanks for the help everybody!
PS: Pics coming tonight!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
Thanks, now If I could get my tusk to grow I would be happy, I have had him for 2 years and he has been at about 6.5" for the last year. He eats like a pig, and is nice and thick, but doesn't seem to be growing much lately.
I think some of these guys just top off at 6-8". I had one (about 7") for about 6 years in MS and I don't think he grew any longer the entire time I had him. he sure bulked up, though. I have two now and I don't think the either one (maybe 7 1/2" & 6 1/2") has added any length in about the 3 years I've had them. I'm a terrible judge of fish size; but maybe they are just real slow growing, lengthwise. I also think its possible for them to compensate for the small living space and just add bulk...who knows for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Truefishman
do you have any pictures of your specimen?
Katrina got the old pics and I'll try to post some new ones when my tech dept (my Son) is home from school, maybe this weekend.. I'm over 60 and just navigating the forum is all the technical ability I have. (or want.)


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Katrina got the old pics and I'll try to post some new ones when my tech dept (my Son) is home from school, maybe this weekend.. I'm over 60 and just navigating the forum is all the technical ability I have. (or want.)
Big thumbs up for the effort though man! I am trying to get my father, 52 years old, to use the internet. Not going so well...


Active Member
to make things easier make a feeding stick out of a piece of rigid airline tubing, just cut the end off at a slight angle and

the food onto it. Eventually you won't need the stick, he will come right to the surface when he sees you, Just be careful not to over feed, 3 days a week is fine, just give enough food till you see a slight bulge in his stomach. Over feeding is what kills most lions.
Glad to hear all is well