New Lionfish


New Member

is that normal behavior? i have him in a 30 gal with a lil live rock and i know im going have to upgrade in the future. its housed with a domino damsel (if the lion eats it its ok) and an anenome. Does anyone know how i can get that purple algae on my live rock to grow more? i have these lights on my 30 gal rite now: 2 t5's a daylight and one that is actinic blue
something like this:


If you just put him in it is normal for him to hide like that. What are your water readings? Let's make certain there isn't another issue here.


New Member
water readings are good, the person at the lfs took 4 of my damsels and some change for this lion and it ate a feeder at the store. how long should i wait untill i give it a feeder? will the lion bother a bubble anenome?


What do you mean by "feeder" I certainly hope not a goldfish! Freshwater fish are very high in fats. I am not trying to put your fish on a diet or anything else, but it is proven that lionfish die early because of being fed goldfish. They leave fat deposits and are very bad for your lion. Get some live ghost shrimp and try to ween him onto frozen silversides, shrimp, squid, any frozen meaty marine food. All soaked in some fresh garlic would do wonders for your new fish!!


New Member
i wanted to get it to eat market shrimp after feeding it goldfish but i guess they are too unhealthy. i could easily get some ghost shrimp.


slimfrady. Do you have the book the conscientious marine aquarist? I f you do it have a great chapter o lion fish feeding. It not I'll try to quote.
Feeder fish ( gold fish ) are not the best diet for lion fish. They can choke to death on them, and they are not a good source of nutrition..They should be trained to accept better food. Once acclimated they greedily eat frozen, freeze dried, and fresh rations of all kinds. Try silversides, krill, shrimp, crabs, and even crickets. I hope tou do not plan to turn your tank into a reef.


you can use store shrimp (raw) or salt water fish on sale.Just cut to the size you feed ,lay flat on some saran wrap in the frezzer when soild move to what ever you want to store it in,take out and thaw,feed .


Active Member
Live food in general is not necessarily the best food for captive fish. Regardless of where they come from, they can bring disease into the system as easily as a new show fish. Even freshwater feeders can bring in diseases that are communicable to saltwater.
I feed my lionfish a live feeder guppy pulled from my own freshwater system if I have company coming over and I want them to see a show, but that's the only time I'll ever do it, and I'd never use store bought feeders. The rest of the time, he eats frozen preparations, mysis, marine cuisine, etc. Freezing the food almost eliminates the risk of disease.
Trust me, if your lion is hungry enough, he will eat whatever you put in there, so weaning him onto frozen food should be no problem. Just let him go hungry for a few days. Once he gets a taste for it, he should keep eating frozen for life.
As for how long you should wait between feedings, I'd feed him every two days, just enough to where his belly starts to bulge. Give him 48 hours to digest the feedings. Lions are very greedy and can eat themselves to death!


Scsinet has very good information
you should not have to put in live ghost shrimp
and if you do they should be used for a backup plan
let your lion get hungry and you will deffinetly know when its hungry
it will follow you around the tank and to wean them i found that using a feeding stick (store bought or home-made) is the best way to get them to start eating frozen food since you can make it look alive


Active Member
if you feed him properly you will need to upgrade in a month too two months MAX because he will already then outgrow the 30 gallon, and thats right around the time he will eat your damsel.. i got mine at that size and lets just say thank god i started him in a big tank!


Originally Posted by psusocr1
if you feed him properly you will need to upgrade in a month too two months MAX because he will already then outgrow the 30 gallon, and thats right around the time he will eat your damsel.. i got mine at that size and lets just say thank god i started him in a big tank!
agreed...i just gave up my 1 month old Russell's because I realized he wouldn't last long term in my 75g. Picked up a rock with some zoo's on it for exchange. My first coral for my new 150 MH.

