New Lionfish

So after reading all about lions for months and months I figured Id be able to keep a lion no problem. Its a cold slap in the face when my Dwarf Zebra hasn't eaten since I bought him on sunday. I tried krill (which he ate at the store) on a feeder stick but he shows no interest. I bought some feeder guppies to see what he would do...but he didn't care. The feeder guppy swam right in front of his face and he did nothing. Whats my next plan of attack here?


Let the zebra settle in more, see if it is eating with lights out and you may want to try feeding with lights out.
I did reply to your other thread as well, Do you know how long the LFS had the lion before bringing it home?


The way i train my lions to eat is put him in a floating basket or small auqarium for no more then 3 days... Everyday try feeding him... My dwarf lions will never eat silversides or anything when i get them. The only thing i can ever get them to eat is little shrimp... And they have to be little... Like the size of a large ant... Live ones are best!!
I actually have little shrimp colonies in my LR and a lot of them end up in my filters, so i get them from there... I cut a slit in the end of my feeding stick to make it like a pitch fork then put the little shrimp between the prongs... Then just hold the shrimp about 4-6 inches away and when the lionfish notices the shrimp moving he should hit it ... Other wise you could just hold it there and wiggle it slightly..
Feed him about 6-8 little shrimps for 2 days then try slipping some little pieces of silversides on there on the 3rd day (The same size as the shrimp). He should hit it and maybe spit it back out... After feeding him a little more let him free in your tank and dont feed him again for 3 days (Lionfish should only eat 2-3 times a week).. After the 3 days are up just try feeding him little pieces of silversides if he still doesn't eat them just feed him shrimp and try again next time... I cut 1 silver side into about 6-7 pieces and get rid of the head...1 silverside should last a week or more for a lionfish only 2-3 inches...
Good luck man...
Hey thanks gmax. He was so close to eating yesterday. I bought some little guppies and tossed a few in. Once he found one he kind of corralled him into a corner and they sat there face to face for a solid 2 mins. Then finally he pounced and just missed the guppy. Most amazing two minutes of my life
. I'm gonna grab some ghost shrimp tonight, now that hes interested in food I'm sure he will eat. Now heres a question. I havn't had the powerhead on since I put him in the tank, I turned it on a few times but it doesn't seem like he can handle the flow, what should I do? its a Maxi Jet 1200.
Oh Ya! He ate 2 guppies tonight...I know, no big deal but I'm excited. Now that hes not starving I'm gonna try to get him on frozen food. Thanks for the help all


Originally Posted by gmax111
The way i train my lions to eat is put him in a floating basket or small auqarium for no more then 3 days... Everyday try feeding him... My dwarf lions will never eat silversides or anything when i get them. The only thing i can ever get them to eat is little shrimp... And they have to be little... Like the size of a large ant... Live ones are best!!
I actually have little shrimp colonies in my LR and a lot of them end up in my filters, so i get them from there... I cut a slit in the end of my feeding stick to make it like a pitch fork then put the little shrimp between the prongs... Then just hold the shrimp about 4-6 inches away and when the lionfish notices the shrimp moving he should hit it ... Other wise you could just hold it there and wiggle it slightly..
Feed him about 6-8 little shrimps for 2 days then try slipping some little pieces of silversides on there on the 3rd day (The same size as the shrimp). He should hit it and maybe spit it back out... After feeding him a little more let him free in your tank and dont feed him again for 3 days (Lionfish should only eat 2-3 times a week).. After the 3 days are up just try feeding him little pieces of silversides if he still doesn't eat them just feed him shrimp and try again next time... I cut 1 silver side into about 6-7 pieces and get rid of the head...1 silverside should last a week or more for a lionfish only 2-3 inches...
Good luck man...
I am sorry, but what lions have you had that fed this way?


Originally Posted by Thoroughbred
Oh Ya! He ate 2 guppies tonight...I know, no big deal but I'm excited. Now that hes not starving I'm gonna try to get him on frozen food. Thanks for the help all

Pick up some live ghost shrimp. Saltwater fish should not be fed fresh water guppies. I am glad he is eating!


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sorry, but what lions have you had that fed this way?
I have had 4 lion's... 2 dwarf's a zebra and a fu man chu... All of them trained to eat from a feeding stick that way... I dont even have to have food on the feeding stick and they would bite it... Of coarse this was over time not all in the same tank...
I never said i fed them that way only training them to eat frozen silversides...Infact when i got them they would be acclimated then straight into the training tub... after they learn what the feeding stick is they were let free...
Originally Posted by sepulatian

Pick up some live ghost shrimp. Saltwater fish should not be fed fresh water guppies. I am glad he is eating!
Yes, guppies and gold fish are not a good diet for lions... Maybe every now and then to entertain your friends but its the same as you eating only steamed rice all day... Not any nutrients...
Glad to hear that he's eating tho...
Ya I know there not good for him but at least he ate something. I'm going out tonight to get some ghost shrimp so i'll try your trick.