New live rock prep.


New Member
I just purchased live rock from
How should I prepare it?
How much debris should I remove?
I plan on cycling with it.
Thanks for your replies.


New Member
i got some a while back and was very happy with it. i used it to cycle my new 60gallon tank. since you said you were going to cycle with it i would just toss it in and let it cycle with your tank. just remember to have some circulation in your tank and then just moniter the levels of water until levels are good and voila you have cured live rock with a cycled tank ready for some fishies. about the debris i just removed the paper(cardboard) that was attached to it and then after it was in my tank i removed all of the loose debris that i didnt like. mostly just some dead seaweed(like 2 pieces) but i love this rock and it came with some great shapes and a lot of different sizes. i bought the 45-50lb box and will prob buy the 25lb box soon. also i just remembered i ran my lights when i cycled the tank and rocks. if anyone fells that i'm wrong just feel free to correct me. :D


New Member
Thanks ApexKw.
I did a search on the subject and read it should be scrubbed. All I did was a good rinse to remove loose debris and in the tank it went. It is a very good quality from SWF and Im real happy. Thanks again for your help.


Active Member
scrubbing will only help to remove a majority of the die off, which may help to speed the cycle(vs. leaving it on, but only some), but if you have any sponge or anything, i would definitely remove stuff like that, you can get pretty aggressive with it if youu want(it is rock), it does not matter alot how much debris you keep, you will still have plenty to start your cycle withbut i would rinse with saltwater, using fw will also kill some of hte stuff that you wnat alive
as far as the lights go, off is better for curing and cycling, it will help ot promote coraline grwoth