I just got about 4-5 pounds of live rock. i got about 6 individual rocks so you can imagine how big they are. the guy said that i dont have to cure them. should i take his advice?
If they were shipped to you then you do need to cure them. If you bought it locally and it wasn't out of the water for too long then you do not have to cure it as long as it was already cured.
It really depends on the size of the tank. If it's a small tank, yes you should cure it. If it's, say, 100g, I'm not 100% sure I'd bother. You'll get some die-off if it was shipped, but it may not be enough to cause a spike in a large system.
i got it from my LFS. 3 minute drive... the rocks are the size of 1 hand balled up.. i have a 22g and choose not to cure them becuase there is nothing on them and the guy at the store shaked them out pretty good. if there was a deadly ammonia spike when would it happen? everything seems to be going fine since i started post