New Live Rock


Active Member
Do a search for Tampa Bay live rock and you should find it. Half of their customer testimonials state that they got mantis shrimp with their oreder though. But, it is beautiful rock.


I don't remember who it was, but either they had posted a pic that had some on it, or their website had pics of it. Some of the most beautiful rock I have ever seen. One of these days, I'm gonna go down to visit my parents, who live on the gulf where TB cultures their rock, and I'm gonna go see their setup. Must be incredible, 4 million pounds...


thanks i went to the web site. The rock looks good. They sell mantis shrimp for 9.00 dollars wich i think is cheap if you feel like having a manits shrimp.


I've seen it on the site, it looks awesome. The way I figure it, it's gotta be good, I was still a bit hesitant of getting it but people from this site had said great things about the rock as well. How is was just so full of life and color. The local pet stores here carry live rock and you pay $6.00 a pound and your lucky if its purple. I heard that this rock is just great to look at.......


You can do a "search" on that on this site. Their is a tone of literature on that subject. Some examples are: Fresh water dip, squirt tonic in the hiding spot with a turkey baster, also raise the salinity........


From what I have read, the best and easiest way is to use a trap. I've seen them for $9 or you could make your own. If you have a good relationship w/ your lfs they will no doubt lend you one.