New Loin fish not eating. Have a qestion.


I have been feedn im krill and h will not eat. I am thinking of trying some ghost shrimp. Does any one have any ideas?
I know they are ambush feeders and tend to eat at nght. What are your thoughts?


Active Member
No, they don't need to eat at night, they ambush very well with their camofluge in the day. Ghost shrimp gutloaded with a high a quality flake/pellet food would be awesome. Stay away from the krill. Do a google with "Marini+krill" and "Jedlicki+krill", it's not the best food for him.
Do you know if he was eating before you got him?
What kind and what size lionfish is he?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
No, they don't need to eat at night, they ambush very well with their camofluge in the day. Ghost shrimp gutloaded with a high a quality flake/pellet food would be awesome. Stay away from the krill. Do a google with "Marini+krill" and "Jedlicki+krill", it's not the best food for him.
Do you know if he was eating before you got him?
What kind and what size lionfish is he?
Its a dwaf sorta like the on in your avatar.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
No, they don't need to eat at night, they ambush very well with their camofluge in the day. Ghost shrimp gutloaded with a high a quality flake/pellet food would be awesome. Stay away from the krill. Do a google with "Marini+krill" and "Jedlicki+krill", it's not the best food for him.
Do you know if he was eating before you got him?
What kind and what size lionfish is he?
Its a dwarf, sorta like the one like you have in your avtar
Yea he was eating "live fish" what ever that means. The fish store had him for about a month.


Active Member
Get some ghosties for sure. There are some that never convert, but with time, patience and persistence they usually come around.
But stay away from the freeze-dried krill IMO and use the frozen in moderation if you feel you must. I eliminated it from the preds diets all together.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Get some ghosties for sure. There are some that never convert, but with time, patience and persistence they usually come around.
But stay away from the freeze-dried krill IMO and use the frozen in moderation if you feel you must. I eliminated it from the preds diets all together.
I have beenfeeding my puffers krill for years as wll as my clowns. What should I be feeding them?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Get some ghosties for sure. There are some that never convert, but with time, patience and persistence they usually come around.
But stay away from the freeze-dried krill IMO and use the frozen in moderation if you feel you must. I eliminated it from the preds diets all together.
I have been feeding my puffers krill for years as wll as my clowns. What should I be feeding them?


Active Member
Everything else. Variety is the key. Dried krill has semi- recently been linked to lock-jaw in puffers. I'm not sure were the studies are right now in their progression.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Everything else. Variety is the key. Dried krill has semi- recently been linked to lock-jaw in puffers. I'm not sure were the studies are right now in their progression.
Thanks for the help