New Mandarin still in bag with a cut on his lip!!!


I just brought him home and I noticed a small cust on his looks fresh and its a long way from the LFS. Is there anything I can do or just hope for the best????


Put it in a QT and use stress coat and melafix. Give it time should be fine.....


Active Member
I would think cuts on their mouth wouldn't be that uncommon given their diet of picking those things off rocks 24/7. I'd say put it in the tank with a nice easy acclimation and keep a close eye on it. Not much else to do - it happens.
Let us know how it goes. Good luck =).


Well hes in and seems to be ok....however within the first 5min my coralbanded shrimp caught him and picked him up over his head and then let him go. 5 min later he caught him again by the tail and I thought it was over but he got away. I am not sure if he was trying to clean him or not. I am hoping so. I read that the Mandarin has a chemical it secreets once threatened. I hope that is what caused him to be let go. I might have to remove the CBS


Active Member
My cbs did the same thing to both my mandarin and my sand shifter goby, looked like he was going to body slam them on the rocks. They kept going into the cbs hang out. IMO it was his way of showing his territory. He never picked at them or hurt them (as far as i could see) Now they both spend their day swimming in and around the cbs and he just pays no mind to them. Every once in a while he has to show his strength but has never maimed them. I would just watch like I did for while, just to make sure stranger things have happened.


My LFS would carefuly catch said wounded fish. Like a mandarain i used to have (which i also got cheap cuz she got scrapped in the display tank but was eating and healthy otherwhise). He took a qtip and iodine and swabbed the sore spot. Might help keep innection off it :).


Originally Posted by crzyfshygy
Well hes in and seems to be ok....however within the first 5min my coralbanded shrimp caught him and picked him up over his head and then let him go. 5 min later he caught him again by the tail and I thought it was over but he got away. I am not sure if he was trying to clean him or not. I am hoping so. I read that the Mandarin has a chemical it secreets once threatened. I hope that is what caused him to be let go. I might have to remove the CBS
Coral Banded shrimp are EVIL!!!
It may have been trying to clean it like a fisherman so it can EAT IT!!!
I had a clownfish disappear without a trace and my coral banded is the only suspect!


Active Member
One of my two clowns disappeared over the back of my tank =P.
My CBS is pretty mean; but has tons of personality - one of my favorite things in my tank =)