New maroon problems


Hey i bought 2 new moroon clown at big als..And they are constantly fighting is this normal???One is smaller than the other they are about 2 inch..I have now put the bully in breeding cage should i leave him in there till the other one recover from the damaged fin and everything or should i just release them so they can do there thing???? Thanks in advance


marron clowns are one of the most aggresive clownfish species if not the most. it would only be okay to house 2 together if it was a humoungous tank with a lot of rock work or they would have to be a mated pair. if they are neither please believe the stronger one will kill the weaker.
givin you have a 29 gallon and they are fighting, i would return one before it died, or give to a friend, cause they wont stop fighting.
sorry about your problems


Active Member
i have two maroon clowns in a 36 glln tank.
They are working together just fine. I am planning to remove all the pther fish out as well in order for the fish to have their own tank. Hoping that this will encourage them to lay eggs. I don't know what the success rate is on survival of the babies but i do want them to have their own space.
Just so you know i bought them seperately from two different stores.
At first the newer one hung out with the Coral Beauty then after a few love dances from the smaller one it went over to the older one.


New Member
I have a pair of maroons, a wsm and a gsm. The wsm was in the tank first for about 6 months. I later added the gsm and he was chased and found a place to hide for about 4 months. I have 7 bta's, 6 from just one that split that many times and a rbta.
Long story short the maroons have spawned twice so far in the past month and all the bta's are well cared for by the pair. :happyfish


Active Member
the fighting is normal behavior. they should eventually be ok, but if they are both females, you will have to take one out


Originally Posted by JacknJill
the smaller one is beating the bigger one up? hmmmmm, you may have two females
even if they are 2 females dont they change sexes?


Active Member
they can change from male to female, but not female to male. once they turn female they are female forever